
Apr 10, 2010 14:31

I feel like vidding, tho I should be writing (Script Frenzy), so instead I'm posting here. Makes perfect sense XD

Anyhoo. Stuff happening lately (of which there is not much, but still...)

-Turned 26 at the end of last month... not much different from 25 so far. Haven't been thinking about it too much, tho, as it tends to lead to other, more unpleasant, thoughts that I'd rather not think. Er. Yeah. *cough*

-Made another SPN vid:

image Click to view

SPOILERS for 5x16. Song is '100 Suns' by 30 Seconds To Mars

-made since the ep pretty much broke my heart into little pieces by the end of it D: also, as a bit of an experiment... it's shorter than any of my other vids, episodic and done in an afternoon. So, not nearly as much effort as my previous one. And it's somehow done better than that one ^^;; (tho i personally prefer the other one, lol) ah, fandom, you never cease to amaze *shakes head* someone posted it over at spnvidrecs tho, so that's pretty cool! (I've got a tag there now and everything. hee!)
-that being said, i don't think it turned out too badly for an afternoon's work XD (heh, 'work'. will someone pay me to do this? cause it's fun)
-totally didn't mean to use another 30STM song (at least, not so soon) but it just really fit the ep. was chatting with another vidder on YT, whose also done some SPN/30 STM stuff, who said the band must've watched S4 before making the new album, i agree XD so many songs fit so well~

-Am doing Script Frenzy again this year, and decided to adapt my Nano story yet again, as I couldn't decide what other potential story idea I wanted to tackle, so... yeah. Tho I'm wondering if maybe starting from scratch would've been better, but since I didn't get a whole lot of time to outline beforehand anyway, this works *shrug* Tho I've once again run into the whole "why did I think having 7 characters in 1 scene was a good idea?" *headdesk* Oh well ^^; For some reason, tho, I don't seem to be 'feeling it' this year as much as last year, maybe cause this story's already done, whereas the previous Nano/Script Frenzy story wasn't? I dunno. It's just harder to sit myself down to work on it this time :S

-Read "The Gaslight Dogs" by Karin Lowachee. Very good, tho cliffhanger-y, so now really, really want next book. lol. I mean, I figured there'd be more, but still. Evil (but in a good way. if that makes sense). She's responded to me a few times on Twitter too, which is very cool :D

-Discovered new Brit!shows, yay XD Survivors and Misfits, which are both now on tv here-- on Showcase, no less, which I actually get on my tv, so double yay at not having to bother ppl downstairs to watch them XD (especially "Misfits", as some scenes could be... awkward to watch with family around, lol ^^;;)

-Speaking of Brit!shows, Doctor Who starts again next weekend, whee. Space is showing "End of Time" again tonight, which is sad (and which I may or may not watch, despite owning >.>) but promos have me looking forward to the new series and I've heard good things about it (it's started in the UK already)

Alrighty, am going to go and see if I can get a few more pages done now that I've sufficiently procrastinated >.> Heh...

videos, doctor who, survivors, fandoms, vidding, script frenzy, supernatural, rl, misfits, too many tags y/n?, writing, twitter

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