Oh dear. This can't possibly end well D:

Jan 19, 2010 20:05

Fox readying U.S. version of Torchwood

I... I don't even. Gah! While I try to be cautiously optimistic of these things, my initial reaction was still a mix of *headdesk* and DO NOT WANT.

(tho as someone pointed out, whether it's good or bad, if it's on Fox it's not like it'll last long anyway *coughDollhousecoughSarahConnorChroniclescough*)

Seriously, tho, I don't even know how'd they work out a series 4 in the UK (after CoE...), much less the U.S. *sigh* Oh oh, and then this: "Tranter might try to reboot “Doctor Who” for U.S. audiences"

Um, yeah... This should be interesting...

doctor who, does the world really need this?, torchwood, fandoms

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