The British are invading Space

Jul 19, 2009 23:16

Am working on Polaris Con Report, honest >.>

Just wanted to let anyone who's interested know that Torchwood: Children Of Earth starts airing on Space tomorrow night at 10, and will continue the rest of the week. Despite certain things which happen but I will not go into because of spoilers, I will probably watch it again. Also, the new series has left me wanting more, so I'm actually on a bit of a hype right now XD

Also, Doctor Who: Planet Of The Dead will be on this coming Saturday (the 25th), at 9, I think. It is a whole week of BBC sci-fi awesomeness \o/

Speaking of awesome BBC stuff, anyone been watching Merlin? Anyone? *looks around*

merlin, doctor who, ftw, torchwood, fandoms

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