M. E. M. E.!!!! 8D

Nov 11, 2008 15:45

Are you in a good mood right now? mas o menos

Do you need to say anything to someone? si D: muchas kosas >(

What made you mad today? llegar tarde a casa D:

Are you available? desgraciadamente si xDDD

Will you be in a relationship in four months? lo duuuuuuuudo, ojala el destino me diera una cachetada y milagrosamente asi fuera... pero lo dudo XD

Do you hate it when people smoke around you? si D: me da tanto asco, y la mayoria son unos irrespetuosos que no les importa si incomodan a los demas a su alrededor

Will your next kiss be a mistake? si me dejo llevar por un impulso, como he estado a punto de hacerlo algunas veces xD sieh!

Where is the shirt you are wearing from? De una tienda equis :)

Do you mind being cold? sieh

Are you afraid of falling in love? TERROR! pero pues la niña no lo puede evitar <3

Have you held hands with anybody in the past week? si xD

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to & your sure they won't tell anyone? shie (L) por eso ami a mis amigos :)

Did you go out or stay in last night? no entendi xD

What’s something you really want right now, be honest? DDDDDDDDD:!!!!!! tiene una inicial y es.... secreta 8D

Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself? eh?

What was the first thing you did this morning? ser feliz porque ya no tenia inflamado mi oído *0*

What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for? 12 de diciembre, la boda de una amiga que estará bien nice :)

Do you forgive and forget? olvidar jamás, perdonar si se lo merecen

What did you do today? acabar trabajos finales :D

Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you “baby”? no, es estúpido xD y mas cuando lo hacen en español D: "hola bebe, t amo!!!" oseaaa D:!!

What don’t you leave the house without? celular, dinero, llaves algo pa entretenerme

Do you believe in love? si, a pesar de tooodo(8)

What would you rather be doing right now? -.-

Do you get distracted easily? YEP X3

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Pensar :O

Your thoughts of long distance relationships? no xD

Think of the person you'd like to be with most right now, when did you last see them? less than one week :D

Is there a guy that knows everything or mostly everything about you? mi hermano, gera y quiza edgar no lo sepa todo, pero sabe un buen XD

When is the last time you took a nap? Uhh hace como dos sem lol he andado ocupada o me entretienen y prefiero kedarme en el msn platicando en vez de dormirme xD

What were you doing at 8 this morning? Sentada en la bankita friki con mis amigos sperando a k empezara la clase de conta :O


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