(no subject)

Sep 26, 2007 16:22

First off, I'm sorry I haven't been reading your posts, guys! DX I just never have time anymoreI don't even remember the last time I posted... DX

Anyway, school is good ("OMG how did you get a 100% on this test?!" "I just pay attention...") aaaand TGS is good, I'm really excited for all the games EXCEPT FRIGGIN' KH:CODED. Damn you Japan, and your superior cell-phones. :'C
So, yeah I'm very excited for Birth By Sleep; originally I thought it was what happened next in the plot and that they were casting aside Riku, Sora, and Kairi as characters and I was so traumatized. XD
mrs_starburst called me to tell me about it and we were like "WHAT". I think I was on the phone with her for 2 hours just being angry. XD But now that I know it's in the past, it's all good.
I'm still really upset about KH:Coded, but I'm SO EXCITED for 358/2 Days 83
I dont know why, I'm just really looking forward to playing it; I think I'm most excited for this game.

You may or may not have already seen this at KHInsider but...

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
- The full meaning behind the title can only be understood once you complete the game.
- The first idea that came from this game was to show the daily life of the Organization.
- This is based off of after Roxas entered Organization XIII, this game will also revolve around the one year when Sora is asleep. (A direct sequel to COM basically)
- Roxas has doubt, and begins to believe if it's better to leave the Organization or not.
- The scan says that the 14th member is not Namine, however IS a key character to the story.
- You will still be going through Disney Worlds
- Roxas vs Riku will be in the game!
- There is a system that allows you to see the memories of Sora.
- Multiplayer mode is not related at all to the story.
- ALL XIII MEMBERS can be used in Multiplayer mode.
- Every member has a unique style of gameplay, also once you defeat the boss you can replay the mission again as much as you want to. There are different missions for each character.
- You can draw for fun in the second screen.
- Everytime you complete a mission, one of the Organization chairs raise a bit higher.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
- Development for this game started a bit early, but it was interrupted by the development for re:COM
- Ven is the male's Alias and his real name is longer.
- There is a mystery of who each character is.
- The keyblade Master is someone who has not appeared in any of the series yet.
- The story is set to be complex and serious.
- The Story Advances with three people, each with their own different gameplay.
- The battle system is new compared to the ones in previous KH games.

KH: Coded
- Is considered to be the brother of Agito XIII
- Nomura wanted to make it a playground for the fans.
- This game will clerify where Riku and the King was during KH1
- The Debugging Mode is used to move from the Data to the real world

GOD I can't wait to play as Demyx! 8D AND FRICKIN' MARLY~!!

ALSO, I watched the Heroes seaon premiere the other night and I thought it was pretty cool. :D I haven't seen any of the first season though, so now I have to go rent it. XD
I watched the premiere of House last night, too. I MISS THE TEAM :'C

Sooo, I guess for the rest of the night, I'm gonna be printing fanfiction and having an interne party. XD
I'll try to post more often, too. D:

birth by sleep, 358/2 days, school, kh, tgs

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