So, it's Saturday the 4th. And my mom doesn't come back until the 13th or the 14th. I asked my dad (because I wasn't sure) and he was like "Ooooh, I really am not even sure..." XD
Anyway, all is good at home; usually when my mom goes away - even for just one weekend - the house is a pig-sty by the time she gets back. That, or we spend all Sunday morning cleaning up and hoping she doesn't get home before we're done. x__o
Oh! In better news, though, I'm really warming up to my mom's spoiled lonely cat, Witchy-Poo, following me around and relying on me for constant attention. She doesn't bite as much anymore; she's way more calm now. She stays in one place for longer amounts of time and she doesn't lay on the keyboard anymore. :D
The only bad thing that can come from me being buddy-buddy with Witchy-Poo is Miko being jeaolus. Miko's my own personal cat, not a family cat, and I RAISED HER RIGHT DAMMIT and am I ever proud of my cat-parenting skillz. Anyway, her only problem is that she gets very jealous when I pay a lot of attention to another cat. DX But she just gives me the "silent treatment" or whatever. She doens't like go crazy on the other cat, she just ignores me and it SUCKS. She doesn't sleep with me anymore either. And when I came back fro Axa's house yesterday, she was under the bed. DX
Uuuugh Miko ilu. :C
I'm sooo bored now; I got caught up with Surgeon General's Warning and am waiting for the next chapter now. I'm still waiting for Stygian (but YES
uzumakisamasaid she was "going to immerse herself in SS" YESILU 8D) So I have both of those to look forward to, but I don't have anything to read now. DX Urgh, that's all I've been doing for the past like... week is reading fanfic.
Uuuum, I might have to start over on the cathedral RikSo thing, because once I start something and leave it unfinished for more than a day, I can't continue it. X3 So, I'll have to start over. Heh XD