(no subject)

Aug 22, 2009 18:51

((I was going to post this before, but Firefox crapped out on me))

How not to run a blog: neglect.

I haven't posted for nearly two months. Which is very bad of me. I haven't even had a whole lot going on. The big things that happened were Matchstick coming down to visit for two weeks, which was interesting, and for the most part fun. In the second week, we went to Wildwood with my family, and got a bit of sunburn. I enjoy the ocean, but the Outer Banks are still my favourite place to go. The Jersey shore could never compare; it's composed of sketch and tack, each region being differentiated by its relative ratio of the two. The two exceptions are Island Beach State Park (by dint of being a state park) and Cape May (composed solely of kitsch). I would want to live by the ocean, except (a)gardening is difficult in sandy soil and salty air, and (b)no mountains or fields. If there was somewhere in America where I could be relatively close (Jersey close, i.e., 45 minutes by car) to both the Rockies and a beach where the water was warm enough to swim in, I would kind of really want to move there.

Wednesday before last, I went up to RI to see Matchstick for five days, which was fun. In addition to a bit of cooking and lots of sex, we also spent two days gardening. I bought him a hubman, which is adorable. He bought me a lovely, lovely half-apron, which I am very excited about, and (I was kind of mad at him for wasting money like this) a 1Tb external harddrive, Western Digital brand. Matchstick named him Nightcrawler (well, the device is "Kurt Wagner" because Nightcrawler was too long, but his shortcut is "Nightcrawler"), and I'm very excited because I'm going to try to make him into a live device and boot linux (possibly Debian, but most likely Ubuntu, because I'm a sellout) from him, which would kick so much ass. Of course, I also felt like an ungrateful shit because he spent so much on me. But then I got him a dozen roses, and bought him a new custom collar when his got run over (he left it on top of the car and forgot it). So then I felt a bit less shitty.

Matchstick moved into his apartment in Amherst the day after I left RI.

I am exceptionally good at upsetting Matchstick in various ways. I can't ever really make it right, and yet for some strange reason he doesn't hate me yet. I managed to make him very resentful this time, though.

Anyway. During one kitchenware shopping adventure, my mother bought a madeline pan, so I made the lemon madeline recipe from the Martha Stewart cookie cookbook, and it rocked very much. My one problem with them is that they have to be eaten within 48 hours or they sort of collapse in the middle. I also got a cast-iron skillet (finally!), so I'm going to try to make proper Southern cornbread at some point (not tomorrow, though, because I have work).

Also. I had laryngitis and pinkeye on the 19th and had to get antibiotics, which of course kicked the infection's ass, but I hate eyedrops so. Fucking. Much. So much. But the bottle will be empty soon, which is super.

Also. My brother was speeding (at night, in the rain, without his license) around a curve and totalled the Volvo. He was uninjured, as was his passenger, and is going to court. And apparently the points on his license are mandatory, so our insurance is going to go sky-high. Yet, for some reason, he is still permitted to drive (albeit not "about") and spend evenings with his disreputable friends. My father said something today about him not comprehending how lucky he is that he's not grounded, and it took all I could not to turn around and say, "if you disciplined him as you disciplined me, he wouldn't be so impudent." I know I harp on this a lot, but looking at porn was cause for harsher punishment than stealing and selling prescription drugs in my father's eyes. I contend that if my brother's punishment was proportionate to his crimes he would have a much greater sense of filial piety, morality, and responsibility.

Or perhaps I just have a lot of hate. That could also be the case. A lot of hate, a lot of anger, an one too many neuroses. I used to internalise all of that, but now I tend to dissociate a great deal of it, along with other emotions and sensations I feel I shouldn't permit. It's not-me, excluded, an other, and when I have a passion, it feels like possession. This whole excess of negative emotions thing could explain why my stomach has been leading a mutiny for a while now.

I have developed a taste for avocados. It's a shame that the supermarket only had insanely expensive Hass avocados today, because I am craving fatty, fatty testicle-fruit. On the plus side, though, we are having pesto tonight, which is also green, and also delicious.

I am excited for school to start again. I need to get my shit together.

I may also buy a hookah.

Bits and pieces from LJ:
Concerning social healthcare, which I am for, btw.
Poking holes in the religious right's opposition of sex-ed and reproductive rights
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