"Just like seventeen,/You know what I'm saying?"

Jun 10, 2009 00:05

"Jimmy is my punk-ass brother,/You know what I mean?"

01. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their livejournal.
02. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper.
03. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this. The point is to see what you had on.
(by the agency of elena_morning)
Why, you ask? Well, I browse DevArt occasionally, and I faved this picture. I like the slightly-weird colour scheme, and it reminds me of some places. It was just big enough to use as a BG, so I put it up. Not much to it :p

There has been much troll-induced hilarity over in linguaphiles. "Is your name Ben?" (in whatever language you fancy) is now apparently the comm's meme. For some reason, to me it keeps sounding more and more like "Are you Ben?Are you gay? ARE YOU BEN?ARE YOU GAY? Pick up the phone! If you no pick up the phone...you Bengay. Nn. Because, only Bengay...SCREEN CALL!!!" ...perhaps I have listened to too much Margaret Cho.

Today, it rained torrentially in the morning. There was thunder and lightning, and it was pretty fantastic. The only thing that made it slightly less fantastic was that I had to be online for "office hours" for my German class, but WebCT was being a brat and first refusing to load the voiceboard applet, then ultimately crashing my browser. All the while it had slowed my computer down to a crawl. *does not have fond thoughts about WebCT* But apart from that it was nice :) Later in the day, I went shopping and got a 640 GB external harddrive (only ten dollars more for that at Best Buy than the 500 GB model at Wal-Mart! Data pricing is weird), a roadmap of the Eastern US, and a set of padlocks that were on sale (what can I say...they were shiny). I also stopped by Pet-Smart to see if I could get more snails for the fish tank, but they didn't have any (wtf). I did see a milk snake for only $100, and for about five seconds I was tempted to buy it. But I realised that I have no idea what its care and feeding would entail, and I had none of the requisite supplies to keep it happy. Anyway, I'm holding out for a corn snake when I get my first apartment, so no snakes until then :p I also went by Borders AND THEY'RE REARRANGING THE WHOLE STORE OMG WTF BBQ SPQR CCCP MALPT &c., &c. Needless to say, I did not find anything to buy there. DDD: They are rearranging the stooooooooore! *sadface*

Anyway, I'm transferring pretty much all of my files over to my external. I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but I decided to name my storage media after X-Men. My computer's HD is now Storm (in keeping with the computer's name, Dja-Seqedit, "Travelling Storm" in Egyptian), the external is Wolverine (the next one I get will either be Rogue or Gambit, I can't decide. Unless I get a 1TiB+ drive, in which case it'll be Professor Xavier lol :p), and my memory cards and thumb drives are going to slowly acquire the names of people who make cameos in the comic series. One of my SD cards is Misty Knight, who has her first cameo in...issue 102? Maybe? *is just making up numbers* Anyway, black lesbian SD card ftw.

I may or may not switch my laptop over to *nix at some point, depending on (a) how I feel (b) whether or not I can get it dual-booted and (c) the compatibility issues. I'm leaning towards Ubuntu, but Fedora has a special place in my heart since it was my first distro (Fedora 3)...maybe I'll use a different distro altogether? Suggestions?

The muffins I made were generally liked, so I'm going to fiddle with the recipe again to see if I can make them more to my taste :p I.e., more coffee, more rum. Also in the vein of food, I'm trying to decide if I should make carne guisada on Thursday, or try a new chili recipe. Decisions, decisions...
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