Feeling rather worn out this morning, had to have a sit down about 10, and as I was I noticed a flash of brown fur outside.
It was Martha Mouse busy visiting the hedgehog restaurant. I've never seen her up this late before, it was 10:09 when I first spotted her. She ran to the restaurant and back at least a dozen times while I was watching. By far the best view of her I've had yet and an utter joy to see.
It was also interesting to note she was taking mealworms instead of seed. I wonder if the change in diet is due to the spring.
Pog had better wake up soon if she wants to find her breakfast hasn't disappeared to mice!
Talking of Pog, still no sign of her. >_<" It makes me worried!
I put the camera trap out trained on her front door ready tho. Checking it the other day I found to my surprise that Tweek or one of his cousins was visiting her! I assume he's going for the mealworms I put by her front door, but in one shot he even seems to go inside the hedgehog house!
I wish he'd tell Pog to wake up! I miss her and I want to know if she's ok!
Oh the worries of having wildlife! ^^"