
Mar 03, 2005 21:53

ok so ive come to notice , some people beign such stipid BITCHES
and its so amusing cause i get pissed off about it w/e say im gogin to get them back or just straight up kick their ass , but ive come to realize someone has to be the matture one

and then i hear of what they're going through and then i jsut think wow isnt it sad that just because these certain people are havign problems in their life or going through a situation which i feel for u "im sorry your goign threw this"....... but they think by being a stupid bitch to others will make them feel better, the guy wasnt really lieing with the hole pecking order in that auditorim presentation reallyy .

everytime soemone bitches for no reason just out of the blue or drives someone else insane its only when somehtign is goign on in their lifes so they need to start problems in soemone elses life, liek do u ever notice they dont bother when everythign in their life is gogin great and they are happy . and why would u want to if everythign is perfect why wouldnt u want to let other people live their life enjoy not ruin it .

so really everytime someone is being a stupid bitch mayeb i shoudl just be hugging them or staying on the phoen and tellign them that i will listen if they need to talk and tell them "w.e is gogin on in their life will eventually gett easier so dont ruin everyone else life "just cause u One person is not happy . ,,,,, and really IS IT WORTH IT ?? liek really and ino they're are ones out there prob laughign right now when u read this but really stop laughign and lying to urself and sort out ur own problems or go do what need to be done dont go mess about wiht other peoples life .
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