
Jan 02, 2005 21:47

so i just wrote an lj like yesterday but i was just reading some ljs and thinking today and something that just crossed my mind that is begginning to bug me so much.

I hate how people try to be somehting were not just to impress someone or make someone else happy or just to be liked , likes its so retarded.

I hate the idea of doing soemthing and the whole time worryign what others will think or what will be hurd about this and how will it act on ur behalf , why is it like that ,

And people that cristisize or try to tell ur not a good person for what uve done or how ur a bad person because of it or that its just wrong or the whole oh wow ur reputation, or how u should follow some hole " good kid " behaviour like frig i just wnat to live life liek not worry whos gonna hear or what will be said liek ur only a teenager once make it worth it have memorys and really i don't freaken care what peopel think becaus i woudlnt do it in the first place if it was all about that . but why sit and judge someone because of that like we do things for a reasona and hell if its even just having fun , its our lifes .

also theres people out there who have different ways of living life as a teenager which i totally understand and respect but inless u are gogin to live on both sides dont sit here and critisize for what ever way people choose to live , you may worry that there taking the wrong path or not following the good way or bad way but im shure everyone who does what they do knows what theyre doing and knows how to get out or atleast hwo to try and they deffinatly dont want to hear how bad they are or what is so wrong cause maybe they liek the way it is .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ok next

friends ,people ,guys isnt it weird how fast people come and go through out ur life , its odd how some people come into ur life for days , weeks , months , years some that u think u could never go on without and then they are just forgotten about over time and really u dont even understand why u couldnt live without them before ? especially guys , sometimes guys come in and u think omg theyre so perfect for me hes the one and what not and then it jsut doesnt work and later on u see how much better off u were without him and that u wouldnt even want him now . i also think its crazy how people are so emo heart stoke aboiut a guy and are just hes my everythign i need him so bad or like a guy for months on end and nothign happens , lieks theres SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many great guys out there why wait aorund for somehting that wasnt there in the first place LIEK MOVE ON !!!! u just have to stop lookign let love find u don;t go looking for it ,
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