Hi, guys!
Just wanted to let you know I'll be taking my book "on tour" starting on Monday, May 13th. There are two tours:
1. Book Reviews Only - from May 13th - May 24th
2. Name Before the Masses Tour - every Monday from May 13th to August 26th.
At the end of each tour, I'll be doing a random prize draw of three gift cards ($25, $15 and $15). To be entered in the draw, people just need to leave a comment on one or more blog postings. Each comment will be given a separate entry. :)
I'll be doing two more posts today with the current schedules, and then I'll be posting each scheduled day with that day's link(s). Who knows? You may find some really cool blogs to follow! :P
(OH! And because I'm anal, I've scoured the web and I've found 25 reviews (most of which are a result of my LibraryThing giveaway) with the following rankings:
3 - 3 stars
2 - 3.5 stars
15 - 4 stars
1 - 4.5 star
4 - 5 stars
People like it!!! Eeeeeeee! :P )