[fic] feeling the pressure [PG-13]

Jun 22, 2008 10:22

[fic]: Feeling the pressure
[rating]: PG-13
[pairing]: MomoRyo (mentions of others)
[warnings]: inexperienced boys OOC-ness?

[summary]: Ryoma was in no hurry...till Fuji came along

Ryoma had been dating Momo for quit a while. Things were looking good and they were both happy. Their relationship was pretty much open, not that it could be close with that group of people they call friends.

They'd shared quick kisses on the courts and in the club room like any other Seigaku couple, you know the normal things, so it shouldn't have been a surprise when he walked to the club room after practice to find Inui pinning Kaidoh (a shirtless Kaidoh) to the bench kissing the mamushi hotly while his hands ran over the naked torso.

Ryoma blinked, blushed and stepped out of the club room slowly. He almost screamed when he bumped into Fuji (almost).

"Guess I was too late." The tensai said

Ryoma raised  a questioning eye-brow

"I saw you leaving the courts and figured you didn't know Inui had reserved it."

Ryoma blinked up at his senpai since when do people reserve the club room?

"So how are things with Momo?" Fuji began smiling at the younger boy. Ryoma couldn't help feel like there was something else, he was missing something here.

"Fine" He answered tilting his hat down to hide his still flushed face. How long would Inui and Kaidoh be there? he was sweaty and wanted a shower.

"By the looks of it" Fuji began eyes slightly open "You two haven't done anything too intimate yet have you?" though the tesai said it like a question it was clearly a statement.

Ryoma adjusted his hat to cover more of his flushed face and stuffed his hands into his jersey pockets. What was wrong with his senpai? Well this is Fuji-senpai which means well, Ryoma wasn't sure exactly what it meant but he was sure it meant sadistic pleasure for the upperclassman and some sort of suffering for him

"I'm surprised though" Fuji continued "I thought Momo would be a lot more impatient, especially since everyone has already done it."

The rest of the one-sided conversation was cut of by the sound of the door being opened and Inui stepping out. Ryoma noted that his hair was more messed up than usual and that his uniform was ruffled. The juice-maker adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose nodded to his two teammates and walked away.

Ryoma hurried in took a really quick shower and hurried out of the club room just as Momo  was about to go in.

"Oi Echizen what's the rush?"

Ryoma didn't look up at his boyfriend "Just hurry up." He said and began walking quickly towards the bike rack.

Why was this bothering him so much? It shouldn't! Their relationship was going slowly and he liked it...was Momo holding back because of him? No, Momo's not that thoughtful he's too simple minded to not voice out something like that, and yet, even though he was happy with the way things were he couldn't help feel left behind. I mean Kaidoh of all people has already done it! Kaidoh the guy who disliked physical contact with any human that was not...Inui. Okay so it was Inui that he'd done it with but that doesn't change the fact the most antisocial guy on the team had gone all the way. Apart from Kikumaru-senpai Momo was the most touchy feely, he loved being close to Ryoma and Ryoma enjoyed the contact just as much.

so why haven't they?!

When Momo arrived at the bike rack Ryoma was still deep in thought. He was jerked out of his thoughts when Momo flicked him in the forehead.

"You okay?"

Ryoma loooked up at his boyfriend wishing he hadn't taken his hat off. "Peachy" He replied and waited for Momo to mount the bike. Momo began pedaling away it took Ryoma a few minutes to realize they were not heading towards the hamburger joint. He tightened his grip on the older boys shoulders and leaned in as close as he could.

They came to a stop by the park. Ryoma jumped up and was about to ask what they were doing here on an empty stomach when Momo grabbed his hand and walked towards a tree.

"Wait here." He said with a smile and Ryoma nodded and sat down. Momo came back a minute later holding two ice-cream cones. He settled himself behind Ryoma legs on each side of the boy. Ryoma leaned into Momo's chest muttering a small thank you.

A few licks later Momo broke the heavy silence.

"Na Ryoma, what's up?"

Ryoma wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Momo what was going on in his head.

"I talked to Fuji-senpai today."

Momo gulped "That can never be good. What did you talk about?"

"...Us i guess..." Ryoma watched as his ice-cream began to melt slowly.

"So what's bothering you about us?" Momo asked

The freshman looked aside "Fuji-senpai said it's weird that we haven't done it yet." he said very softly. This was too much for him

It took Momo a while to understand what the other boy was mumbling about. "Okay..." he finally said "So why is it weird?"

"Because everyone's done it already." Ryoma stated

Momo laughed "You shouldn't feel pressured to do something just because senpai-tachi has."

"Even Kaidoh-senpai has done it."


Momo then pinned Ryoma to the grass kissing the boy sloppily. Ryoma trashed around under the older boy till his fist connected with Momo's head.

"Ow Ryoma!" Momo whined

"Just because Kaidoh did it doesn't mean you have to too!" Ryoma said angrily

"But you were the one who was hinting that we should do it a minute ago!"

"Not in the park baka!"

Momo looked at Ryoma, Ryoma looked at Momo and it was settled.

Momo grabbed Ryoma's hand and they ran to the bike. Momo rode as fast as he could towards the Echizen residence. They got of the bike and ran into the house and up the stairs. Ryoma opened the door and pushed Momo into the room. He quickly locked the door and turned around as Momo pinned him once again this time to the door. The kiss was better angled this time and Ryoma moaned as their tongues met. Shirts went flying around the room, Ryoma pushed Momo onto his bed and climbed onto of him. They shared another deep kiss broken by Momo changing their positions. Ryoma gasped when the other began sucking at his neck.

Momo kissed the younger's lips again he pulled back ready to take things further but was interrupted by Ryoma... giggling?


"Momo...You're tickling me..."

Momo sighed and smiled moving his hands away from Ryoma's sides. He lied next to the boy and stroked his hair.

They were so not ready for this.

"Senpai-tachi are whores." Ryoma said after a few minutes

Momo laughed "That's so true."

"Kaidoh's the biggest whore." he added as an after thought

They began laughing.

"Oi pretty boy! get your hands off my son!" came Nanjiroh's cry from the hall. Ryoma smirked at his boyfriend.

"Ah Momo! Ahhh...!" He began shaking the bed

Nanjiroh started banging at the door "YOU PUNK GET AWAY FROM MY SON!"

"Ryoma don't use too much teeth...urgh"

The banging was more fanatic now. "RYOMA DADDY'S COMING!"

Yes...they were definitely not ready yet...


Lol i had fun xD comment?

pot, momoryo, princeoftennis, ahun_pair

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