(no subject)

Mar 12, 2005 04:47

hey everybody..iam just sitting here being bored at the moment untill my mom gets off work cause iam sitting here at her work which is not that much fun at all lol yesterday i got checked out of school cause i had what the nurse called 5th dease so i had to go to the hospitle and get some medicane which bout knocks you out lol this weekend i don't have anything planed so i think iam just going to sit around doing nothing* This morning was soo sweet dustin kissed me on my forehead and said "i love you" i love him to death he's the sweetest person ever! we will have been going out for 5 whole month on the 18th and it seams like forever...monday iam going to go get my braces tightened up i'm really looking forward to that ha ha (not really) but i guess thats enough of an update 4 now....leave some comments*
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