I've been ordered by Brendan to update, so I am. I don't know what to say... I usually only update when I do have something to say. I'm just going to keep typing and hope that something positive comes out. Eh, eff the positive. Just something coherent other than, "I don't know what to write." Let's try emotions, shall we? The truth of the matter is that I'm sad. Pissed, maybe? No, no this is sad. I'm sad out of my mind. I thought I almost had something, something that could be real, but instead all I saw was an illusion... and no, folks, I'm not talking about Benji. *laughs a little* Surprised, anyone? I don't want anyone to come to me, telling me that they're sorry and that they hope I feel better... becase you know what? The ones who know the whole story were there when it happened. They know, they were there. That's all that matters to me. This is not a cry for attention... far from it. I didn't want to update, remember? As a matter of fact, I hear a voice in the back of my head reminding me that it's just to make Mr. Fehr satisfied because I don't update often enough for him. So there. *rasberries* ... yeah, I know, mature. Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood, my mood, someone's mood.
. . .
So, I was on the web today and found some pictures of me when I went to the Bourne Identity premiere on June 6th here in Los Angeles. If you're interested, the page is right
here. I thought it was a pretty thought provoking film... and Matt Damon is always a pretty picture to look at for an hour or two. I wish he was around here.. then I could tell him what I thought face-to-face.. or IM to IM or.. yeah, you get what I mean.
~* Shiri