May 06, 2010 09:45
Things I wanted to hunt down before I saw the trailers: An Italian company made a movie of Lovecraft's The Colour From Outer Space.
The Colour From Outer Space being a wonderful story for being utterly creepy and unsettling without a drop of blood in it and nothing overtly violent - just pure and utter "Hi, have some helpless creeping dread in the face of a horrible fate that is unfathomable, alien, and cannot be named or put any face to and likely doesn't even notice you're there".
You know, Lovecraft horror. The kind that's unappreciated in horror movies. I'm sure they could do it if they set up presentation and everything right, and while I know some Lovecraft did have blood etc., it was always more "result of the part that's actually scary" than "Oooo look someone's dead and that's scary", and I'd -like- to see the horror industry take up the challenge of making a Lovecraft movie WITHOUT drowning it in boobs and blood. (Re-Animator, we are looking at you. You are not Lovecraft take that name out of your title plsthx.)
Apparently, on watching trailers, the Italian company thought, instead of the "colour" -just- slowly eating away at people and hollowing them out physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, leaving only distorted shapes and ash... that it'd be more interesting if, WHILE it was "sucking the life out of people", it drove them utterly manic homicidally insane. Because people that're slowly being drained of everything totes have plenty of energy for chasing each other around with knives, and a town going screaming homicidal zombie rage is totes better than what Lovecraft originally wrote.
Yes I'm being bitter-grumpy and hugging my literature >__> It's not that I hate adaptations or am COMPLETELY rabid about adaptation decay -
But damnit, can we have a Lovecraft movie that's LOVECRAFT and not a cheesy B-movie or a violence fest where there wasn't one originally, that actually -LOOKS AND FEELS- like something Lovecraft would do? (I mean, one of the closest movies I've seen to approaching Lovecraft's ideas was still a bit cheesy about it, and that was In The Mouth of Madness... which still felt like John Carpenter's Lovecraft, emphasis on the first part, but at least it was a homage that seemed to vaguely grasp what it was paying homage to.) Just -ONE- real Lovecraft movie that's honestly true to Lovecraft is all I ask.
And Colour From Outer Space is the one I've always sorta ... wanted to see done big-screen, yet dreaded, because some of the imagery and things in it are things that modern special effects could do -without- it looking cheesy and schlocky, and yet, I knew that instead of the whole scene with the Colour taking over the entire forest outside while the couple people that were still alive huddled inside a house watching while it turned the trees into a nice unnatural spectacle, I'd get boobs and blood. ;_; (To Whit, the Colour at least looked like they were trying to go something Not B-Movie and more serious horror movie and atmosphere, but still. ;_; )
(On that note, things to acquire: the black and white 20's silent-movie style Call of Cthulhu I've tripped over web-mention of a few times.)
y u do dis?,
adaptation decay,