May 09, 2009 08:49
So yes. New Roommate + Jobhunting + getting this weird thing called an offline life have killed some of my updating. (okay, so the offline life consists largely of going out hiking/kite-flying/etc. now that the weather's nice, and Rock Band. That counts right?)
My parents are dorks, of the squishy, cuddly variety. Thanks to them, I now have a PS3 with a Rock Band set, + both Rock Band games, Folklore, and MGS4 (which I haven't started yet >.>; sorry Xhan and co., still need to play the first three).
Rock Band + 2 roommates that are more than happy to play = ridiculously fun. We also currently have the most loopy set of avatars ever possibly; granted Neuro just looks not quite right completely blonde. (And now, the three of us, when certain songs come on, will start seeing pitch bars or miming fret-notes or drum-notes.) Of course, my previous loathing for certain songs/bands (anything Rush, half of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aqualung) has only been magnified and intensified.
Folklore has eaten my brain, and I've managed to sprint through it - I've hit the beginning of Chapter 7 already and stopped to do sidequests before I push to finish the game.
The other brain suck, albeit going at a slower pace, is The Dresden Files books. (From what I remember of the TV series and watching it a couple years ago, I'm fairly sure the foofy wizard in my skull will be v. v. traumatized on watching it again.)
The offline life thing's making role-playing more scattered and I may end up dropping out of Cfeit - if I'm having this many issues with attention-budget now, it's only going to get worse come end of month when I'm employed. With everything else going on, I just haven't had much motivation to juggle. :/
dresden files,
rock band,