Shiredad was cleared to go home by his doctor and physical therapist, so yesterday... we took him home! It took four of us about seven hours to get everything done (including packing up his stuff, driving to and from Philadelphia, cleaning and organizing his kitchen and bathroom, unpacking, and lots of grocery shopping), but Dad was ecstatic to see his apartment again after nearly three months of hospital, rehab, and staying with me. There are still challenges ahead, including a few in-home therapy visits, easing him back into driving, and making decisions about how his medical bills will be paid -- we can handle only a small amount per month, which hopefully the insurance company will accept -- so we'll continue to take things one step at a time. I drove home from Philly last night, exhausted, to find that Shiremom -- with her broken shoulder -- had done two loads of laundry and dusted the house. Having Dad here wasn't easy for her, and having the house back is already doing wonders for her spirits. She has her orthopedist appointment and second x-ray tomorrow, after which she'll no doubt have exercises to do to make sure her arm heals well.
Today I need to put the guest room back together, sanitize the commode and find a place for it -- hopefully never to be used again -- and be able to give Mom full-time attention for the first time since mid-September. I think we'll play some Scrabble and watch a movie. Pippin will miss Grandpop, or at least Grandpop's wastebasket. She loved to sneak in his room, pull out a tissue, and shred it all over the floor. I know she's being mischievous and not playing a game when she does that, because she *never* tries it when someone's in the room! The little scoundrel.
Anyway, I'm pretty tired and didn't sleep too well. It's COLD outside, there's tons to do, and I have to start working again tomorrow with my sister-in-law because my finances are hurting. Tomorrow I'm getting a second estimate on roofing repairs, which will begin a whole new Adventure. But it's a relief at having my mornings back, the house quieter, and Dad recovered enough to try to live on his own again.
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