Lots of random stuff!

Sep 02, 2018 10:07

It's finally September! Even though we'll have more days in the 90s this week, I'm very very hopeful that cooler days (and nights!) are on their way. Just when I've finally *begun* to get a handle on the (infinite) weeding, a few leaves are beginning to fall.

Wooo hooo, I'm meeting up with
lbilover this evening to attend a 25th anniversary showing of the movie "Rudy". I've been looking forward to seeing her and sharing this fun outing.

I still haven't explored many towns or sights in this historic area, but last week my brother took me, Shiremom, and Pippin to Roebling, a nearby 100-year-old factory town built by the man (John Roebling) who designed innovative and famous suspension bridges -- such as the Golden Gate and Brooklyn Bridge -- and was the inventor of the process of spinning steel into wire, rope, and cable. This guy was such a genius, and there's a fascinating museum. I'll go back and spend more time in Roebling sometime; it's a very charming little town. (In a sad footnote, one of John Roebling's grandsons perished on the Titanic.)

I have a rather annoying medical mystery going on. This is day 6 of hearing a strange fluttering sound in my left ear. I hear the fluttering about every 5-15 minutes, day and night. I can't imagine what's causing it! I don't feel anything in the ear and my hearing isn't affected, it's just weird and annoying. I've used drops to get out any wax (not much), but it's still going on. Why every 10-15 minutes, like clockwork? Tomorrow is a holiday, but if I'm still hearing this on Tuesday I'm going to call my doctor so she can peer inside my ear and possibly get some answers. I've had a high-pitched hiss in my right ear for years, but this is the first time my left ear has given me any problems.

Eeeee, I'm about to part with some actual MONEY. When we moved in last year, one of the problems with the house was that the wood-burning fireplace was unusabe. I'd really love to have a working fireplace, and went back and forth on whether to get it repaired as wood burning or replaced as gas burning (with good heat and remarkably life-like logs). After a year of thinking about it and doing research, I finally decided that a gas-burning fireplace is the best option. I want Shiremom to be able to 'light a fire' and get heat without having to bother with logs, kindling, ashes, etc. As I get older myself, it'll be nice to have everything as simple as possible. In addition, our childhood dog was terrified of the pops and snaps of real word burning, and I don't want Pippin to have the same experience. The fireplace guys are coming on Friday to do the work. Last winter it went down to 6 degrees, and enjoying a warm and lovely fireplace would have been so great.

Let's see, what else? Tomorrow I'm going over to my brother's house to watch "The Godfather Part II", one of his favorite films and one I somehow missed ever seeing. And he and I are trying to find a car for Shiredad, 90 years old and still going strong. It's taking more time than I anticipated to find a reliable used car within our limited price range.

"Okay, mommy, take a break. Less typing and more snacking."

This entry was originally posted at https://shirebound.dreamwidth.org/1516349.html. You are welcome to comment at Dreamwidth or Livejournal.


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