New Deadline: Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 6pm [Pacific] {{Countdown}}
We're going to see the Elves! That's correct, you can make icons of Elf characters only. This means no humans, wizards or even our beloved hobbits. ;) I posted lots of screen caps and in addition, a treat for you: 28 super high quality stills of Elves for you to use or just save for later challenges.
The deadline is extra long, because I'm getting this up early so those who are done with challenge nine can go start with this, and I'm excited for new challenges!
♣ You may only use the images provided or find your own. ♣ You may enter up to 5 icons. ♣You may use textures, brushes,and/or text. ♣ You may blend/combine images.
*Remember: You may only use 1 image 3 times and this includes any variations or blends done. ♣ The contests will be anonymous, so please do not post your challenge icons elsewhere, including your own journal or your public galleries before the voting has closed. ♥ suggestion: have fun!
♦ The special category vote that will be done if enough icons are received to vote on is "Best Light/Best Lighting" ♦ Since I uploaded 50 + pictures for this challenge, icons that use one of the provided pictures will be more likely to get a Mod's Choice placement.
I didn't post any pictures from The Hobbit but you may find some at the links behind the spoiler cut.
{Provided Images} You can click any thumbnail to open the gallery or go to this ENTRY where I have posted all the images as thumbnails. The high quality stills are posted in the entry, as well as additional DVD caps (not linked below) or you may just search through my scrapbook.