Challenge Sixty: Circular

May 22, 2017 04:00

Challenge Sixty: Circular
Deadline: Monday, June 5, 2017 at 9pm [PDST]

For this challenge your icons should show any kind of circular shapes or things.

[[Credits.]]1 by schryosel, 2 by equanimity23, 3 by Novindalf, 4 by jsfunction, 5 by me


♣ You may use the images provided and/or find your own.
♣ You may enter up to 6 icons.
♣ You may use textures, brushes,and/or text, etc to make your icons.
♣ You may blend/combine images.
*Remember: You may only use 1 image 3 times and this includes any variations or blends done.
♣ This contest will be anonymous/secret, so please do not post your challenge icons elsewhere, including your own journal or your public galleries before the voting has closed.
♣ Enter by posting your icons in a comment below.
♥ suggestion: have fun!
You have 14 days to enter this challenge.

LotR & Hobbit screen capture sources.

Galleries at Cap-That: The Hobbit trilogy & LotR trilogy
LotR gallery at Fading Tomorrow
Galleries at LotR & Hobbit
Galleries at Hobbit I @ HotN.
Galleries at Arwen-Undomiel. (Screencaps, stills, character photos & more.)
Galleries at Shadow of Reflect
Galleries at
LotR galleries @ QuiteUnlikely

♣ challenge sixty

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