Challenge Five: From Afar

Oct 09, 2012 23:20

Challenge Five: From Afar
Deadline: Monday, October 22, 2012 at 6PM PST {{Countdown}}
This challenge is our first theme/technical challenge. Your icons must use images that show persons or things from a distance. Which means no close ups of any kind are allowed. Images that only show landscapes or buildings from afar off are also acceptable but using scenes with people can be more of a challenge and makes icons very interesting to look at. :)

Challenge Four Rules [General Rules on Userinfo]:

* You may use ANY images from The Lord Of the Rings films 1-3 as long as your icons fit the theme.
* You may use provided images or find your own/make your own caps.
* You may enter up to 5 icons.
* You may use textures, brushes, and/or text.
* You may blend/combine images.
*Remember: you may only use 1 image 3 times and this includes any variations or blends done.

Important: I will now host all icons in my private Photobucket album for voting which means you can use LJ Scrapbook or any other host you want to post your entries, as long as the icons are only viewable by yourself & me. All icons must be anonymous which means please don't post any icons in public galleries before voting ends. Thank you!

Need some inspiration? Here are few pretty icons showing far away things on the Inspirations entry.

{Provided Images/Optional}



Remember to have fun!
*Spoiler Alert* The challenge following this will be very spooky. Yess, Preciousss!

♣ challenge five

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