Just in case some of you might have missed the changes I made to the translation :) I realized some of the mistakes I made when I reread the magazine :p
So I'll list what I had edited basically (can't remember everything I changed though :p)
1. #PG03
The part about the last lock. It was opened by Ren in the end of last
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Certainly looking like that in public (and they're in front of the media right now, too) will get Kyoko some attention, but the whole thing still gives me the creeps. I'd be fine if Kijima weren't involved but now it all feels unnatural and creepy.
Plus with Kyoko saying she thinks maybe she hates him (Ren) I can't imagine there are going to be developments we LIKE in the next few chapters. But then, I think anyone who has been with Skip Beat a while realized that even if Kyoko's heart managed to be touched, she'd fight tooth and nail.
It's progress, for sure, but we've still got the final, big boss battle to go, I think. Plus we still have a lot of unresolved story...why does Kuon feel responsible for Rick's death? When will Kyoko find out who Ren really is? How will she react when she does? And what is going to happen to Kyoko's career and her revenge scheme?
I've heard people speculating that Skip Beat is coming to an end but I can't see all of that being wrapped up quickly.
Yes, actually I also feel the same way about Kijima. He really is making the whole problem bigger. I don't want Ren to hate Kyouko. I feel dreadful when I think that Ren might turn his anger on Kyouko like the time at Karuizawa. He was angry at himself but he couldn't do anything about it, and Kyouko looked so pitiful back then. Not that I think Kyouko isn't to blame for this situation (For lying to Kijima. And not listening to what others are saying is dangerous *takes note*. Imagine if she was brought into some hotel room at that time Oo She can't say she was forced or anything as she said OK to Kijima ☆ ><; )
I guess you might be right that we might not like what's going to happen next but.. well, we can dream at least XD All the guys at 2ch. were saying let's bet Ren is going to confess his love in the next chapters (though we all know it's not going to happen). But I think it's a huge step forward that Kyouko realizes she's fallen (or is falling, if we are to quote what she's saying) in love with Ren. What will happen I don't know but let's just pray it's not too bad.
And the battle is with Kyouko herself? Oh, I just have this thought hit my head: Shou discovering her feelings and said again what he said to her when he thought she was in love with Reino. Kyouko doesn't like Shou thinking of her a weak and foolish woman (her impression on women in love, or at least herself when she was in love with Sho). Hmm.. this is a scary thought. He'll cause more scars on Kyouko if he's not careful with his words *hopes sensei will bind him in bandages and put him to sleep next to Tutankamen*
Yep, it's also my belief that SB is far from ending. It's just getting more interesting.
Kyoko is not a defenceless girl, though. Reino was able to victimize her because his 'powers' overtook hers, but a normal guy like Kijima isn't going to be able to do anything even if he wants to. (I don't like him but I'm not sure he's actually BAD. A bit of a jerk, but probably not a criminal.)
Yes, I think the big boss is Kyoko. There may be little bosses to conquer even after Kyoko has given in, but it's her anti-love feelings that are the largest obstacle in the romance of the story. And since the story isn't even BASED on the romance, precisely, I think there is a lot left to go. Having them fall in love and then THE END would be a bit cheap and turn Skip Beat into a shallow romance, in my opinion. It's also about Kyoko's effort to discover herself and make a place for herself in the world where she is valued. Ren, too. The romance is just a step in their development, not the end game, or even the POINT of the game. So I don't think it's that close to ending. I think we're over half way done, now, but that's about all I'm willing to guess. (So as long as it ends within 340 chapters I guess I'm right. We'll see!)
I'm a bit dreading the developments of the next few chapters as I think they'll be kind of torturous, but I still think it'll be very interesting.
It'll be a bit disappointing if we only get to see them get together with no clue of how they STAY together.
I think Kyouko's fans and the other guys might not like it too. ..I wonder if the agency will consent to their love. I know Lory is a servant of love or something, but normally the agencies will intervene in this kind of things. They don't want their artistes losing fans.
I just want a nice, FULL ending. I'd be really unhappy if things were wrapped up just because Ren and Kyoko got together. That's like saying that romantic love is all that life is about. For someone like me (an asexual who has no interest in ever being in a romantic relationship) that's an offensive thought.
I want Ren and Kyoko to get together as much as anybody, but not at the expense of the rest of the story. But Nakamura-sensei has proven her ability to the point where I don't bother to doubt her even when things look bad...I know they'll come around.
Yes, I think we don't have to worry about that. Sometimes I feel like peeking in Sensei's mind, I want to know how she's able to spin the tale so good. I'm sure the ending will be good, with all matters resolved.
Kyoko's dress looks to me to be just a lot of weird long frills.
'Dasai' is slang for uncool/nerdy/plain/boring? (Can't trust internet information...)
Ren just looks really weird and awkward in that suit. Cloddish. Which so isn't 'Ren'. :) She's given him some very cool outfits before, though, so I'll assume she just had an odd week or two while doing this chapter :)
Oh, yes. It means uncool. Not necessarily plain and boring. Sometimes it means "old". Or just doesn't suit the wearer thus making her or him look weird :p
Maybe sensei is down with sickness or something (which I pray isn't really happening). Some mangakas do have terrible lifestyles. Or she's just overworked.
I had been pretty faithful to purple-black before, thought I'd try blue. (I've had a blue halo before...a literal deep electric blue in a wide streak all around my head, but it was just too much maintenance. I had to redye it every week to keep the colour intense.)
Japanese folks mostly have warm skin-tones though, right? So probably red-black looks better than blue-black.
Say, have you heard of Momiji dolls? I know they're not actually Japanese (they're British) but the way they're presented, with the name and being styled like kokeshi dolls, they give the impression of being Japanese. I was just kind of wondering if that would make them popular in Japan. Or unpopular.
Momiji dolls? Well, I have heard of it but.. I'm not sure if it's really popular. Things that are popular with foreigners are not always popular. You know those t-shirts with kanji characters on them? I know they are popular outside but.. XD Sorry to say, people here kind of think it's ... dasai XD So momiji dolls.. um.. hm. You don't see that around much so, I guess it's not really popular then :p Plus it's not even traditional. Well, they are popular with otakus or gothic and lolita fans though. They have their fans, sure. But not something you can find sold out here in the country XD. Take anime for example. They don't usually watch what foreigners watch (with the exception of major anime). Difference in taste I guess.
I guess it's the same everywhere. :) There seem to be T-shirts with English words worn by some people in Japan (usually young people). One girl had one that said 'I love beaver' on it...which of course is slang. Dirty slang at that, which would imply that she's a lesbian. She was probably happier with the T-shirt before she found out what it meant. (It looked cute on her, but over here if you wear a shirt with a saying like that it's either going to get gaped at in distaste, or people will burst out laughing. Just like I'd imagine that we would if we went to Japan sporting a kanji T-shirt that we thought said 'crouching tiger' when it actually says 'pork bun'. I don't know what these t-shirts actually say so I can't come up with a good example.)
Momiji dolls are very cute (well, most of them) but though upon first glance you assume they're Japanese, they're from the UK. But they're not very expensive and they have hollow bottoms for little messages, as they're intended to be given as gifts. Anyway, I was wondering what would be thought of Momiji dolls in Japan, given that they're intended to look Japanese yet are not. If it were me, I think I'd probably feel it was kind of goofy.
I don't have any but I've purchased one for a friend. I like that they're hand-painted :)
The women don't dye their hair strong colours, only the men/boys? Boy, I wouldn't fit in :) (Not that I ever thought I would. I'm very stuck in my own culture...if you can call it a culture. I guess you can, though it's a kind of boring ordinary one.) I'm sure any tone of black would look good on most Japanese people, I just figured that red would look like a more natural tone. (Naturally blue-black hair seems to occur only in, what would it be? I think Native Americans.) Though they have warm skin-tones, too, mostly. (Sort of golden?)
Some blonde hair really is yellow :)
Well, the momiji dolls are cute but, I won't be purchasing any in the future I think. In fact, I never really like dolls much. Don't you kind of feel scared looking at those huge eyes with long fake lashes looking at you? They give me goosebumps.
Umm.. I guess so. I mean, Japanese women really take care of their appearances. Hmm. I've only seen cosplayers with strong hair ocolors actually. But the people in the countryside aren't really into fashion like out in the cities like Tokyo, so the clothes and hairstyles they have are a bit .. reserved. I'm sure you'll find women with even pink or silver hair if you go to Shibuya or Shinjuku.
I actually don't like knickknacks of any kind very much. *looks around to see if that is true* Yep...my place is actually fairly ... well, not SPARE, because it's decorated, but it's not cluttered. If I find a few little things that I like enough to make a permanent display of, I'll buy it, but otherwise I have no interest in tchotchkes.
So even though I think they're cute, I wouldn't collect the Momiji dolls for myself. I bought one ("Giggles") for a friend who recently had her very valuable antique Japanese dolls damaged by rain leaking through the roof. (The dolls were wearing silk, so you can imagine.) Since Momiji are resin, they're waterproof. She likes little display things and she'll probably think the gesture (and the doll) is cute, so I got it for her :)
Well, I've had my hair blue, brilliant red ('paprika'), blonde-streaked, black, purple, copper, normal brunette with BRILLIANT orange tips that made my hair look like fire...
I get bored really easily. And when you have really short hair, you can afford to do drastic treatments to it because it is always new, undamaged hair, since you're constantly cutting it off. (I also have never been able to figure out how to style hair so it's a necessity...short hair always looks good even just rolling out of bed, and longer hair must be styled to not just hang there unattractively. Japanese hair is so lovely and heavy and glossy, you guys can afford to just let it flow, and it's so perfectly straight that you can take those amazing shattered cuts and have the shape 'keep', but Caucasian hair is a little more peculiar/unpredictable...my own is wavy if I let it grow out and it will kink and flatten and go into horns and frizz and...well I just don't like long hair, on me. Especially since I won't put product in my hair. I actually like my hair to be razored into shape.)
How do you dye hair silver, btw? I mean...how can the metallic tone be added? (I'd love to have metallic hair, at least in parts.)
Have a nice day :) (Actually the day is just starting for me...it's before 7AM...but it must be mostly done, for you. Late evening?) Anyway, I have to do some stuff and then get ready to head off to the city (Ottawa) after lunch. See you in a while! :)
I forgot that the reason I still continue reading this manga is because I want to see Kyouko's development as an actress and how she copes with her traumas. ..Hmm, but love is also one of that, come to think of it.
Oh, I just can't wait for the next chapter. The suspense is killing me. I really can't predict things, I never get them right.
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