Skip Beat chapter 138~translation

Apr 04, 2009 05:49

I`m so sleepy.. Later today I`m gonna go to my univ and decide on which lab to enter.. But first I`ve gotta sleep ;_;

So here`s ch138`s translation.. And feel free to use my trans, just leave a comment to mention it :)

Skip Beat
Nakamura Yoshiki
Chapter 138

-    Words between * * are suggestions for the word before
-    Words between *()* are optional to be included into the bubbles..

    Hello everybody

    I am the Head of the LME Talent section, Sawara Takenori

(sawara):    I`m 42 years old, an unlucky age

And at last
    It has come

    This season where in the midst of the frolicking many
    My only wish is for it to pass by quickly……

LORY:    OH― Everyone, good work today *thanks for your work today*

SFX:    Pon

SFX:    Po――n

LORY:    Good job

LORY:    The reason why LME has been able to thrive until this day is all thanks to you guys

Sfx:    kurun *twirl*

LORY:    It`s all due to your support~~~~~~!!


LORY:    All of my warriors, the fine horses of LME!!

It has finally arrived……

LORY*    I love you―――!!!

The spring……

    Let`s all party!! As long as there is love♡

ACT.138 Trouble Rush

Nakamura Yoshiki

MOUKO:    ………

MOUKO:    …The spring…?

MOUKO:    …It`s still… February isn`t it?

(mouko):    Are you referring to the calendar`s spring?

(matsushima):    Well… I`m talking about my senses` season

MATSUSHIMA:    … According to the President`s biological clock, it`s already the flowers blooming spring you see

MATSUSHIMA:    Every year when we enter February, the President will start to frolic about

MATSUSHIMA:    And the reason for that

MOUKO:    There`s an event that the President likes right

(mouko):    in February

Sfx:    zawa zawa *crowd noise*

MATSUSHIMA:    You got that right!! That`s exactly it!!

MATSUSHIMA:    Every year on that day, the President will prepare presents to of course, all LME employees and also the people related who we`ve been indebted to
MATSUSHIMA:    Even knowing that it`s a day that the confectionary industry made up for their own conveniences

MATSUSHIMA:    He says that no matter what he thinks, he can`t afford to not be fooled by the scheme to spread his “Feelings”

MOUKO:    …To me it just sounds like making up a plausible excuse to fool around

    (matsushima):    Err… well

MATSUSHIMA:    I won`t deny that though…

MATSUFHIMA:    But you see

MATUSHIMA:    That`s not exactly it
MATSUSHIMA:    The President *He*

MATSUSHIMA:    Really likes them from the bottom of his heart

MATSUHIMA:    All these love events

(matsushima):    He won`t care whether it`s heterosexual or homosexual, and regardless of the age and the depth of the love, as long as he is able to touch upon the intercourse of the hearts, he`d be happy even if it`s not even between humans

(matsushima):    That person

(matsushima):    is already a Rabumon *Lovemon* monster who lives on love ***like digimon***

MATSUSHIMA:    Are you listening? Kotonami-san

(matsuhima):    O―i… Don`t leave me alone here

(mouko):    Hah…

MOUKO:    Ah…

MOUKO:    Not at all. I`m sorry. I was thinking about the drama lines, so I wasn`t listening at all.

(matsushima):    Hm……

MATSUSHIMA    :    That pluck of yours is good

Sfx:    topopopopo *pour*

MATSUSHIMA:    …And that`s why

MATSUSHIMA:    If you get caught by the President during these times, I think he will definitely ask you about THAT. Especially since you`re a LOVEME member.

MOUKO:    I understand.

MOUKO:    Then I will say “there is”

MATSUSHIMA:    … I did expect it but it seems like you really don`t have one huh…

(matsushima):    Even a single one…

MATSUSHIMA:    …It doesn`t matter if it`s just a work partner, but you`ve got to really prepare for someone you know
MATSUSHITA:    You just can`t fool him

MOUKO:    …There is no way

MOUKO:    I`m going to participate in that kind of stupid event

MATSUSHIMA:    …Now that honesty of yours isn`t good at all

(matsushima):    This girl hasn`t change at all…

MOUKO:    …A piece… costs about 300 yen and yet…

Sfx:    …butsu… *mutter*

MOUKO:    having to give it to someone else to eat… That`s just stupid…

Sfx:    butsu butsu *mutter mutter*

MOUKO:    But it`s still stupid to eat it yourself just because of that reason. How much calory does one have do you think!?

(mouko):     Taking the trouble to spend money on eating something that`d make you gain weight…!! What foolishness… Only idiots participate in that kind of stupid events…!!

MATSUSHIMA:    …… Kotonami-san?

(matsushima):    Your mutterings are quite loud you know? I didn`t even want to hear it and yet I heard it

MOUKO:    …Anyway I…

MOUKO:    don`t want to spend my money on such thing even if I`m told that I`d never graduate from being a LOVEME member for my whole life


MATSUSHIMA:    …That… that far…?

    …Seriously… Who in the world thought it up I wonder…

MOUKO(thkg):    This evil day that eats away money and body

    The Valentine Day……!!

Come, give your maiden heart to him

A:    Isn`t this just cute?

Sfx:    Kya kya

B:    Ah, yup, it`s so cute―!!

C:    I think this one`s better, it`s funny

B:    Nah, it doesn`t matter if it`s funny or not~~~ The cute one`s better――

―――I know…
    What the girls want to do

A:    I think I`ll go with this after all

(b):    Ahahaha

C:    Really~~~? Then I`m taking this

(c):    I want it to be amusing―

With those chocolates they are buying

    The girls are not giving the chocolates to their fathers because of their feelings of  gratitude towards the fathers

And of course, they aren`t eating the chocolates themselves either


    They`re giving the chocolates to the guys they`re in love with

KYOUKO(thkg):    (Hmph)
        Without realizing that love is after all just an illusion shown by the brain!!

(kyouko):    Aah… I want to preach and admonish every one of them but…

Sfx:    suta suta *step step*

Protect Japanese Maidens Party

(kyouko):    They`d only open their eyes when they experience it themselves, just like me!!

KYOUKO(thkg):    Bear with it, Kyouko!! For the sake of the girls in love with love……!!

Sfx:    mukiu *grit*

You won`t know the danger of a blade until you experience its sharpness…!!

    If I hadn`t suffer that severe wound, right now I would also be making handmade chocolates like it`s the only thing I know!!

KYOUKO:    Let me be the first one to give Shou-chan chocolate this year too♡

KYOUKO:    Shou-cha――n♡

KYOUKO:    Happy Valenti

And I`d certainly be repeatedly doing stupid things for a stupid man!!

Sfx:    muka muka muka *pissed off*

Sfx:    kunu… *shit*

    Now that I think about it again
    Valentine Day is really a dreadful day when a girl has to go through such a dreadful ordeal―――!!

    Who the hell made it up!! The Valentine Day―――!!

A day for confessing your love, my foot!!

It`s the most silly day in the world!! The Valentine Day――!! In short, VD!!

From today
    I`ll call it VD**Vain Day** (Stupid Day)!!

D:    Oh, look, that girl

Words printed on t-shirt:    SF Japanese STAFF

E:    Uwaah, she`s making that scary face again…

Sfx:    dududududu *brr brr*

Sfx:    kata kata kata kata kata

D:    (Ooh)
    That eerie movement again!!

E:    (Wait)
    Don`t be fooled, that`s her phone vibrating

SFX:    pachi *click*

Sfx:    nuu~~~n *brr~~~*

E:    See

D:    That girl`s as confusing as always

Sfx:    nuu~~~~n *brr~~~*

Sfx:    nuu~~~~nn *brr~~~~rr*



KYOUKO(thkg):    …Sawara-san…?

KYOUKO:    ……

…Or is it――――…

KYOUKO:    Hello

KYOUKO:    Sorry to keep you waiting

KYOUKO:    This is Mogami speaking

Sfx:    shi――――n *silence*

Sfx:    zawa zawa *noise noise*

KYOUKO:    …?

KYOUKO(thkg):    …Eh…?

(kyouko):    It`s connected right…

KYOUKO:    …Excuse me…?

KYOUKO:    …Hello…?

Sfx:    shi―――n *silence*

KYOUKO:    …

KYOUKO:    ――――…

KYOUKO:    …Ex…

KYOUKO:    …Excuse me…

KYOUKO:    …Tsuruga…san……?

Sfx:    butsun *click*



KYOUKO:    He hung up!!!


KYOUKO:    ………

…Connection… problem…? …Maybe…?

    …Because if not

It`s certainly not like Tsuruga-san to do it…

KYOUKO:    Wait!! What am I doing jumping to the conclusion, thinking that it must be Tsuruga-san!!

KYOUKO:    It could have been Sawara-san, couldn`t it!!

KYOUKO:    Ye, yeah!! Let`s call him!! Call Sawara-san!!

KYOUKO:    Uh…er~~~~~m~~~~~~

SFX:    putsu *bip*

SFX:    Pu… *Bi….*

(kyouko):    Hah…

KYOUKO:    !!?

KYOUKO:    …What…!?

KYOUKO:    …What is this I wonder…

KYOUKO:    Somehow

KYOUKO:    I feel like an abnormally detestable something is approaching

KYOUKO:    This feeling…

KYOUKO:    …Could…

KYOUKO:    Could it be…!!

Sfx:    fu―――…


REINO:    …Yo
REINO:    Kyouko

REINO:    Long time no see


        You came out―――!!

(kyouko):    It was really you―――!!

KYOUKO:    How dare you shamelessly appear in front of me!! After saying that you won`t show up again!! You liar!!

(reino):    What are you talking about

REINO:    I hadn`t showed up, had I

REINO:    During last year

KYOUKO:    There was a time limit…!!??

KYOUKO:    …I`m…

KYOUKO:    I`m gonna tell Tsuruga-san…!!

REINO:    I don`t particularly care anyway
    (It won`t hurt or even itch if I don`t get to see him directly)

REINO:    But
REINO:    I just want to talk about exchanging promises to give me chocolate on Valentine
***I changed a little the phrases to suit the bubbles coming**

REINO:    Asking him for permission for that and everything

REINO:    is probably just a nuisance for him

KYOUKO:    …What did you say…?

REINO:    Asking him for permission for that and everything is probably just a nuisance for him

KYOUKO:    Before that――――――!!!

(kyouko):    In fact, the lines that you just ignored without emphasizing them――!!

“I just want to talk about exchanging promises to give me chocolate on Valentine”

KYOUKO:    …Why in the world SHOULD I GIVE you chocolate…!?

KYOUKO:    By any means, please……

REINO:    It`s only this time, got it?

(reino):    Can`t help it then.

What the hell is that arrangement!! Pissing me off…!!

KYOUKO:    And trying to extract a promise from me to top it…!!

REINO:    That`s because you really want me to accept the chocolate to the point that you can`t bear it anymore.

KYOUKO:    Most certainly not――!!

(kyouko):    Why should I give it to you who I don`t even like!!

KYOUKO:    This is the human world

KYOUKO:    That incomprehensible logic of hell isn`t accepted here!!

(kyouko):    If you don`t cut that out I`ll ask a master of Yin and Yang from someplace to exorcise you!!

REINO:    …She still thinks I`m a denizen of hell huh…
REINO:    She`s still a surprisingly funny woman

REINO:    …Okay…
REINO:    I get it

REINO:    Then I`ll change my phrasing


REINO:    want to receive chocolate from Kyouko


REINO(thkg):    …And that side of hers※ is still dead huh

※The love circuit inside the brain


REINO:    ……

REINO:    ..And you asked me why
REINO:    Because Valentine Day is

REINO:    a day when a man receives chocolate from the woman he likes

KYOUKO:    (E?)
        No, no

KYOUKO:    It`s a day when a girl gives chocolate to a man she likes!!

(kyouko):    Remember it well, you denizen of hell!!

REINO(thkg):    She ignored it perfectly
        (I even said it directly. “the woman he likes = herself” just doesn`t link huh)

REINO(thkg):    You`re really amazing


REINO(thkg):    …Oh well…

REINO(thkg):    I`d just go with my earlier plan then…

KYOUKO:    Got it!?
KYOUKO:    That`s Valentine!! So

KYOUKO:    I who don`t even like you will not give you chocolate!!

KYOUKO:    Do you understand!?

REINO:    …Aah *Yeah*…

REINO:    …That`s why…

Sfx:    huh…

Sfx:    twitch

KYOUKO:    !?

REINO:    …You

REINO:    really want me to accept your chocolate

REINO:    that you can`t bear it anymore―――…

    The presents from the male staffs of the show

    The presents from the female staffs

    The presents from the audience of the show

And sometimes from the female staffs of other shows

YASHIRO:    Agh――~~~~~

    Male staffs

    Female staffs

YASHIRO:    There`s a whole lot more compared to yesterday`s…

YASHIRO:    (Well…)
        There`s no helping it as Valentine`s just around the corner…

REN:    Even my car wouldn`t fit all of these…

YASHIRO:    (…Yeah…)
        And I think you`ll receive more at DARK MOON`s location

(yashiro):    Maybe it`s better if we clear out Ren`s car…

YASHIRO:    Let`s pack all these presents here into boxes and then send them to the office

YASHIRO:    I`ll go after doing that so
YASHIRO:    Ren, you go to Fuji ***Fuji TV*** first

REN:    (Ek…)
    But isn`t it hard to do it alone…?

YASHIRO:    Because “it`s hard”, alright?

YASHIRO:    I don`t want to make you late asking you to help me

(yashiro):    Okay okay, go now, go

REN:    (Ah――…)

REN:    Well… then, I`ll accept your kind offer…

REN:    I`ll leave that entirely to you

YASHIRO:    Good
        (Leave it to me.)

Sfx:    …funi… *grin*



Sfx:    batan *slam*

YASHIRO:    I`m like an idiot―――

YASHIRO:    I`m just like an idiot―


To Tsuruga-kun
    Hayashi Noriko*Kiko*→
***紀子has 2 spellings : Kiko and Noriko.. which is it I wonder..***

Chocolate →

YASHIRO:    Like an i――diot♡

YASHIRO:    I know it but I just can`t stop my face from grinning――!!

Sfx:    nima nima *grin wide*

(yashiro):    I`m an idiot alright~~~

Sfx:    funfu funfu

Sfx:    hako *box*

YASHIRO:    Cos you see―

YASHIRO:    It`s been so long~~~

YASHIRO:    Since Ren last went to DARK MOON`s location~~~~~

(yashiro):    It`s actually been 4 days――

YASHIRO:    And it`s more extremely so~~~~~ since he was last together at the location

YASHIRO:    With Kyouko-chan

Sfx:    smile

    Even I am this nervous and excited so

Ren himself is surely more!!

YASHIRO:    He doesn`t show it on his face though

    Card:    To Tsuruga-san

    …She`d surely


Something right….

    As it is Kyouko-chan we`re talking about here―――

Sfx:    butsu butsu *mutter mutter*

MOMOSE:    …Kyouko…chan…

(momose):    Again at that kind of corner…

MOMOSE:    Why are you muttering by yourself…?

(momose):    I have gotten a bit used to it now but it`s still scary…

(kyouko):    Hah…

KYOUKO:    Momose-san… Oohara-san…
KYOUKO:    Good morning…

Sfx:    pekori *bow*

BOTH:    Mo… morning…

MOMOSE:    Nee *Hey*… What`s wrong?
MOMOSE:    Did something happen again at your previous shooting location…?

(momose):    You don`t look well

Sfx:    twitch

KYOUKO:    No, no, no such thing

(kyouko):    I`m very fine, see, hah hah

BOTH:    That looks fake………

KYOUKO:    …Eh…?

KYOUKO:    Those…
KYOUKO:    What are they for? The both of you… (Those look like gifts…)

MOMOSE:    …Ah…

MOMOSE:    Um…Yup
MOMOSE:    It`s a gift

Sfx:    blush

MOMOSE:    For Tsuruga-san

KYOUKO:    Eh…_

KYOUKO:    Is it for Valentine?

(kyouko):    Isn`t that a bit early?

BOTH:    EH?

KYOUKO:    ……Eh?

MOMOSE:    …Kyouko-chan…

MOMOSE:    Could it be
MOMOSE:    that you don`t know Tsuruga-san`s birthday?

(kyouko):    Wha

KYOUKO:    As if!!

KYOUKO:    I checked it already as I want to give a present on his birthday in return of his gift

MOMOSE:    (Eeh??)
        Then when is it do you think? His birthday…

KYOUKO:    (Eh??)

KYOUKO:    February

KYOUKO:    19th…

Sfx:    stare……


MOMOSE:    …Kyouko-chan…

    Kyouko got her respected senpai and benefactor, Ren`s birthday wrong!? And it`s today……!?

MOMOSE:    Tsuruga-san`s birthday


MOMOSE:    is today, you know―――…?

Continued to April 20th release, #10

manga translation, skip beat, nakamura yoshiki

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