chat log

Mar 27, 2005 03:24

Please consider the following as only known and knowable by the chat participants

justjuns: Joj-- Joe? Have you seen this?
shapeshiftcondor: Jun -- what in the HELL.
justjuns: I was surprised too.
shapeshiftcondor: Well. Um.
justjuns: *giggles*
justjuns: You're speechless!
justjuns: *giggles*
justjuns: So was I.
justjuns: I'm going to have to check it out, only...
shapeshiftcondor: Only we don't really have time.
justjuns: What we could find in there?
justjuns: Might save us time.
shapeshiftcondor: Mmm. I don't like it.
shapeshiftcondor: But It rust you.
justjuns: What don't you like about it?
shapeshiftcondor: That it's a gift. A huge gift.
shapeshiftcondor: From a man who blew a Los Angeles off the map because he got pissed off.
justjuns: He's impetuous alright.
justjuns: I'm almost sorry...
shapeshiftcondor: He makes me look like Mr. Rational.
justjuns: I'm almost sorry I like him so much and it's mutual.
justjuns: Because I can't offend him. Not for my sake, but...
shapeshiftcondor: He threatened the screaming man.
shapeshiftcondor: the one with the roses.
justjuns: The DJ?
shapeshiftcondor: Yeah. little spindly fellow who is alternately overconfident or terrified.
shapeshiftcondor: How does he exist like that?
justjuns: Nice complexion...annoying voice, good music.
justjuns: At least he threatened.
justjuns: I think in that sense Doctor Totenkoph is like us.
shapeshiftcondor: How so?
justjuns: He doesn't really threaten.
justjuns: If he's telling you...well, your death is coming from him, only, he hasn't made time for it yet.
shapeshiftcondor: That's true.
justjuns: His first great gift, the nanotechnological mist?
justjuns: Was designed to help him take over the multiverse.
justjuns: Then there were the watches...created to help take over the multiverse.
justjuns: Then there's his courtship of Cordelia Giles...
justjuns: Look here Joj- Joe.
justjuns: *Reads aloud* I was being good when I gave Cordelia what she wanted and allowed her to return home, I was being good when I didn't tidily arrange Ruperts unfortuniate demise, again.
shapeshiftcondor: Ah.
justjuns: *Watches Joji carefully.*
shapeshiftcondor: So he is torn. Like me.
shapeshiftcondor: Lot of that going around.
shapeshiftcondor: I hate it.
shapeshiftcondor: I hate them.
shapeshiftcondor: Weak.
justjuns: *Dismayed by what she's hearing. It's the judgment against himself. His intellect, his's like a sharp blade with no handle. He applies it to a situation and cuts himself to the bone.*
justjuns: *There's what he's doing to himself, under her very eyes and then there's the question of what Joji means by torn when he says it of Totenkoph.*
justjuns: How...torn?
shapeshiftcondor: Totenkopf doesn't really want to not be a monster.
shapeshiftcondor: Batman is the monster he claims to hunt and doesn't see it.
shapeshiftcondor: Deadpool, at least, i s honest.
justjuns: *Searches his face with her heart. She often confuses that with what she sees. She tries to see what he's talking about when he numbers himself among men who are monsters. She tries.*
shapeshiftcondor: *sigh* You're looking at me like that again.
shapeshiftcondor: Like i'm talking to you in some other language.
justjuns: I'm trying to understand.
justjuns: I've seen you do all kinds of things...
justjuns: With and to all kinds of living creatures...
justjuns: You're so sure you're a monster.
justjuns: I'm so sure you're not...
shapeshiftcondor: Became one to defeat one.
justjuns: It's like I'm blind or I'm...
shapeshiftcondor: *silence, rather like the Batman silence. Did he sign off? is he still there?*
shapeshiftcondor: *silence. Like he might well have flown. But he's still standing there.*
justjuns: My dear friend...
justjuns: Joe...Joji...
shapeshiftcondor: Joe had turned his face away, but turns to look at her as she calls him Joji.
justjuns: *She hates words. She loves him. He takes such good care of the people he cares about in his own Joji way.*
justjuns: I don't know them or their damage.
justjuns: I only see a little bit of the things they do well.
justjuns: Their gifts...almost all gifts have a hidden charge.
justjuns: But the worlds are full of other people who give to warm their own hearts...and they won't hurt you if you don't worship them for their generosity. The things you give me? I could never buy.
justjuns: Somehow, the way you define ruthless practicality?
justjuns: It involves taking care of strangers.
justjuns: I'm not denying collateral damages.
justjuns: I'm not ignoring the times you fired Bird missiles and didn't see what the effects were on anything other than your target.
justjuns: I'm not.
shapeshiftcondor: Neither am I.
shapeshiftcondor: At least I'm honest about that.
justjuns: You say Totenkoph doesn't want to stop being a monster.
shapeshiftcondor: If he genuinely wanted to not be a monster, there would have been no reason for turning back time to put it back.
justjuns: Hai.
shapeshiftcondor: He simply would not have fucking blown it off the map.
justjuns: Hai.
justjuns: And when he came back?
justjuns: He said, "It wasn't me."
shapeshiftcondor: Can't face his own folly.
justjuns: Can't face his own rage.
shapeshiftcondor: That too.
justjuns: Here's the thing, Joe.
justjuns: *Leans forward and presses her fingertips to her lips while assembling her thoughts*
shapeshiftcondor: He was just about to say something and she did that. He falls silent.
justjuns: *Tilts head...what?"
justjuns: *Tilts head* ...what?
shapeshiftcondor: Joe shrugs. "That's true of a lot of them. The bat can't face his either. Or he'd have done with the Joker as we would have."
shapeshiftcondor: "he hides behind some code of honor. 'I'm not an executioner.' Please."
justjuns: *Has a suspiscion*
justjuns: But he'll beat up a criminal until he's sorry he was ever born?
shapeshiftcondor: Bullshit, Jun.
shapeshiftcondor: If that were the case, they'd curl up in Arkham and never come out again.
shapeshiftcondor: Instead they come out and do that fucked up shit just to taunt him.
justjuns: *shivers*
justjuns: *Her arms are all gooseflesh.*
justjuns: Why is that, do you think?
shapeshiftcondor: I don't know. I don't care.
justjuns: ...How do you think you fit in?
shapeshiftcondor: With them?
shapeshiftcondor: I don't. Proud of it, too.
justjuns: *Her expression had been so serious for so long that when it started to thaw she didn't recognize it for what it was.*
justjuns: *Looks up a him with his newly shorn hair.*
shapeshiftcondor: Checking your work again?
shapeshiftcondor: It looks fine.
justjuns: *nods*
justjuns: Almost a shame to cut it all off.
shapeshiftcondor: Not like I can't grow it back if I want.
justjuns: Not like.
shapeshiftcondor: But it's uncomfortable in the Birdstyle that long.
justjuns: And I can see more of your face.
justjuns: Tell me about it.
shapeshiftcondor: Besides, bishounens are all dreamy-eyed. And I'm not.
justjuns: *shrugs with one shoulder*
justjuns: Sometimes you are.
shapeshiftcondor: When am I dreamy-eyed?
justjuns: ...Somethings hit you really hard or you've landed wrong...
shapeshiftcondor: *dubious*
justjuns: *She holds her thoughtful expression for a couple of beats.*
shapeshiftcondor: Joe waits.
justjuns:'ve rolled a car or you've had enough to drink...
shapeshiftcondor: I am not dreamy-eyed if I've rolled a car over. I'm either "YEAH!" *pumps fist* or "Shit" *snaps fingers*
justjuns: *snaps fingers*
justjuns: Got that confused for those seconds before your eyes refocus.
shapeshiftcondor: That's not dreamy-eyed, silly. That's stunned.
justjuns: Noted.
justjuns: *shaky exhalation*
justjuns: *Gets up*
justjuns: *walks away then comes back*
justjuns: *grabs him by the lapels*
justjuns: You are not a monster.
justjuns: Never say anything so stupid to me again.
shapeshiftcondor: Joe looks down at the hands on his jacket. Then at Jun.
justjuns: *She's mad*
justjuns: You're not.
justjuns: I'm not stupid.
justjuns: you're not stupid.
justjuns: Stop saying stupid things.
shapeshiftcondor: Joe is aware she's mad. He's just not terribly intimidated.
justjuns: *Releases lapels. Makes little *agh* sound.*
shapeshiftcondor: Joe grins impishly.
justjuns: Dr. Totenkoph levels a city. Wade will fuck anything that moves and references PUDDING and KILLING for money.
shapeshiftcondor: Wade makes no pretense that he's anything but crazy.
justjuns: *She can't fluently phrase herself in nihongo so's she's reaching into her Italian/English grab bag for appropirate force velocity*
justjuns: Which is why he'll say it all. At. ONCE.
justjuns: The Bat?
justjuns: The Bat?
justjuns: The BAT?
justjuns: Joker, is crazy. Wade-san is crazy.
shapeshiftcondor: Joe cocks his head at her like ...well, a bird.
justjuns: Delirium....
justjuns: Coop!
justjuns: Coop is...
justjuns: Not bad.
justjuns: That honorless Cordelia G?
justjuns: Cordelia Giles?
shapeshiftcondor: She is a monster twice over.
justjuns: *little agh*
shapeshiftcondor: Coop is simply clueless.
justjuns: *Nods* ran out on her people and let herself be turned into a monster.
justjuns: Okay, I grant you, Coop?
justjuns: Nice guy.
justjuns: Not a monster.
shapeshiftcondor: You're biased.
justjuns: If I was you I wouldn't be?
justjuns: Because I love you?
justjuns: Because you're kind to me?
shapeshiftcondor: Not really, Jun, no. Because you see the good in everyone.
shapeshiftcondor: Because you saw something worth being merciful about when we fought.
shapeshiftcondor: You didn't kill unless you saw no alternative.
shapeshiftcondor: You incapacitated. You knocked unconscious. But killed?
shapeshiftcondor: No. That was me. Ken. Jinpei, even.
justjuns: *Listens*
shapeshiftcondor: But not you.
shapeshiftcondor: Merciful angelina.
justjuns: I killed.
justjuns: I killed a lot.
justjuns: Make no mistake, Joe.
shapeshiftcondor: Not as easily or as thoughtlessly as we did.
justjuns: *tears gather in her eyes*
shapeshiftcondor: I know you killed. You're ninjatai.
justjuns: *She looks away.*
justjuns: That was selfish of me.
justjuns: Anyone I didn't take out you wouldn't let live anyway.
justjuns: I only left more work for you and the others to do.
shapeshiftcondor: Not entirely true.
shapeshiftcondor: Some of those you didn't kill had the sense to run and never look back.
shapeshiftcondor: Some.
justjuns: *Dabs at eyes*
justjuns: *hushed*
justjuns: *Color is high in her face. Hair is nearly crackling with energy*
justjuns: That doesn't make you, or Jinpei or Ken a monster.
shapeshiftcondor: Not Jinpei. Not Ken. Just me.
shapeshiftcondor: We're never going to agree on this, Jun.
justjuns: Why you?
justjuns: Why you and not them?
shapeshiftcondor: Because they deny what they are.
shapeshiftcondor: They aren't genuinely trying to be good.
shapeshiftcondor: I know what I am and how far I have to go.
shapeshiftcondor: And I'd rather the Joker's blood on my hands than knowing that keeping my hands clean and white cost a universe their lives.
justjuns: *stands and places her feet in the first of the five stances*
justjuns: *raises her hands*
justjuns: *lets the energy rise from below and between her feet and up her legs and spine*
justjuns: *Nods at him, to acknowledge she has heard*
shapeshiftcondor: Joe nods as well and takes one step back so as not to disturb her ki.
justjuns: It has to go somwhere, Joji.
justjuns: None of us are innocent.
justjuns: *Is slowly, deceptively languidly flowing from stance to movement and to stance*
justjuns: Kian says I look pretty.
shapeshiftcondor: Where does it go when the Bats ignore it? I know where mine goes. and Kian is right.
justjuns: He'll take time from chasing his butterflies to see what I do.
justjuns: *brief smile*
justjuns: He'll try and mimic me...he'll ask me what it is...
justjuns: I tell him --- your body will tell you.
shapeshiftcondor: And he learns, right? Uncannily fast?
justjuns: He watches.
justjuns: I think he practices when I'm away.
justjuns: Joji, what I'm teaching him is art and beauty and life...
shapeshiftcondor: And?
shapeshiftcondor: You make that sound like a bad thing.
justjuns: *She's flowing through forms, picking up pace, faster and faster*
shapeshiftcondor: He needs to know that.
shapeshiftcondor: So he knows what he's fighting for should he choose to fight.
justjuns: *Her fluidity describes grace and beauty*
justjuns: Add speed and it's the death of many.
justjuns: He's only a baby.
shapeshiftcondor: So was Jinpei.
justjuns: Yes.
justjuns: And he's saved our lives how many times since then?
justjuns: How many people has he helped?
justjuns: Do I give myself credit for the saves? Do I blame myself for the deaths?
shapeshiftcondor: You? Both.
shapeshiftcondor: Knowing you.
justjuns: I can't say, Joji.
justjuns: I try but I don't find answers that make any kind of sense for long.
shapeshiftcondor: Better not to dwell on it.
justjuns: Better not.
justjuns: Though when I look at you at times like this...and we're talking and I can't understand?
justjuns: I wonder if the monster is me.
justjuns: We're not monsters.
justjuns: You're not a monster.
shapeshiftcondor: You're not.
justjuns: Even if your patron is Bast.
justjuns: You're word is enough for me, Joji.
shapeshiftcondor: She and her sister both like me.
justjuns: *It's hate in her heart when she thinks of Bast.*
justjuns: *Hate that goes deep only to tap confusion.*
justjuns: *Hugs Joji*

acts of terror, thebigpicture, library, joe, friendship
