Please consider the following as only known and knowable by the chat participants unless you're in on it whatever it might be.
[00:19] justjuns: I have things to say to you.
[00:19] justjuns: They are not threats.
[00:19] justjuns: But I have things to say.
[00:19] prettybirddinah: Okay.
[00:20] justjuns: I tried to let you know that Joe had been through hell. That he had the worst history -- worst past -- of any lover in any world.
[00:20] justjuns: Do you remember?
[00:20] justjuns: Dinah-san, do you remember?
[00:20] prettybirddinah: Yes.
[00:20] justjuns: You, you, took it as a threat of murder.
[00:20] justjuns: That I would kill you rather than see him with you.
[00:21] justjuns: Fine.
[00:21] justjuns: I am not good with languages.
[00:21] justjuns: But...even after...neh, he told you with his own mouth?
[00:21] justjuns: And...what did you say to him?
[00:21] justjuns: What did you say to him?
[00:21] justjuns: That man loved you. And now he's...what did you do to his heart?
[00:21] justjuns: How could you?
[00:22] prettybirddinah: *puff of breath* How could I what?
[00:22] justjuns: Throw his past in his face.
[00:22] prettybirddinah: When did I do that?
[00:22] justjuns: Last night.
[00:22] justjuns: You said something to him last night.
[00:22] justjuns: You did something...
[00:22] prettybirddinah: *grunts* Yes, you do have the right to remain silent--Jun, what did he tell you I said?
[00:23] justjuns: And...I warned you.
[00:23] justjuns: You selfish brat.
[00:23] prettybirddinah: Let me get this straight.
[00:23] justjuns: Heartless.
[00:23] prettybirddinah: You're condemning me for something.
[00:23] justjuns: You threw his past in his face is what he told me.
[00:23] prettybirddinah: Well, I don't think I did.
[00:24] justjuns: Well, you think I threatened to kill you. So, I'm not going to think much of your thinking.
[00:24] justjuns: You rethink your interactions with him, if it's not too much to ask from someone who loved him. Or maybe even still does.
[00:24] justjuns: And then, maybe you can fix the damage you did.
[00:24] justjuns: Joe does not love trash.
[00:24] prettybirddinah: *catches her breath*
[00:24] justjuns: He doesn't.
[00:24] prettybirddinah: Care to hear my side of what happened or would you rather keep going?
[00:25] justjuns: And I'm pretty sure that he's as capable as misjuding you, who he's only known...hnow long now?
[00:25] justjuns: As he is me.
[00:25] justjuns: But sure, Dinah.
[00:25] justjuns: Hit me.
[00:25] justjuns: Again.
[00:25] prettybirddinah: Okay. Here's what happened. I'd been interested in seeing this other guy, and night before last, he led me to believe he was "smitten" with me.
[00:25] prettybirddinah: "Smitten" is his word.
[00:26] prettybirddinah: Last night, he told me that not only was he not smitten with me, he was in lust with a man I'd arrest if he were in my world.
[00:26] prettybirddinah: So after I got out of that conversation, I went back home.
[00:27] justjuns: I'm following you.
[00:28] prettybirddinah: Joe offered to come over and listen to me bitch.
[00:28] prettybirddinah: Which I did. And frankly I was highly tempted to give up on any kind of relationship because I have this history of picking guys who are absolutely wrong for me.
[00:28] prettybirddinah: Joe told me I shouldn't give up and that I could have any man I wanted.
[00:28] justjuns: *sighs audibly*
[00:28] prettybirddinah: Which, given that the last two men I wanted had turned me down, does not exactly cheer me up.
[00:29] justjuns: Understandably so, yes.
[00:29] prettybirddinah: Not to mention I felt like a giant idiot for not having my gaydar activated with this other guy.
[00:29] justjuns: Gaydar?
[00:30] justjuns: He has sex with men?
[00:30] prettybirddinah: Yes. The other guy is interested in shtupping another guy.
[00:30] prettybirddinah: I find this out after he's kissed me twice, I might add.
[00:31] prettybirddinah: His little heart's desire is not only male but a master criminal.
[00:32] prettybirddinah: To his credit, he apologized for being a jerk and jerking me around, but that didn't make me feel much less of an idiot.
[00:33] prettybirddinah: Joe told me to stop feeling bad because what I'd gone through wasn't as bad as what he's gone through.
[00:34] justjuns: Pfft.
[00:34] justjuns: He said that?
[00:34] justjuns: He did say that.
[00:34] justjuns: *exhale*
[00:34] prettybirddinah: I admit I was sarcastic and said that I was so happy to hear that.
[00:34] justjuns: Dinah, no. You would not do such a thing.
[00:35] prettybirddinah: Shortly after that I told him he should probably go home because it was just getting ugly and I figured I was better off going back to my plan of getting cozy with a bowl of mint chocolat echip.
[00:35] justjuns: And that's how the both of you left things?
[00:36] prettybirddinah: Next thing I know, he's swearing at me in his LJ and cancelling dinner.
[00:36] prettybirddinah: Which, if that's how he wants to leave it, fine. I won't bother him.
[00:36] justjuns: *heavy sigh*
[00:37] justjuns: *another sigh*
[00:37] justjuns: You had been rejected by a man you wanted to play with.
[00:37] prettybirddinah: I'll apologize for the bitchery. But I plead extenuating circumstances of extreme craptitude.
[00:38] justjuns: Dinah...san.
[00:38] prettybirddinah: I never pretended to be a saint.
[00:38] justjuns: What were you pretending last night?
[00:39] justjuns: Besides not caring that his past is uglier than most?
[00:39] justjuns: I won't speak against him to anyone, Dinah.
[00:39] prettybirddinah: Okay, where'd you get the idea that I don't care about his past being so ugly?
[00:39] justjuns: And I wouldn't speak against you to anyone.
[00:40] justjuns: From his reaction. From what you have told me from your own mouth what you said to him.
[00:40] justjuns: "I was happy to hear that."
[00:40] prettybirddinah: That's not what I said. Or what I meant. Sheesh.
[00:40] justjuns: You felt like an idiot.
[00:40] prettybirddinah: All I meant was that hearing about other people having it worse than me wasn't making me feel better. Because it wasn't.
[00:40] justjuns: You felt humiliated.
[00:41] justjuns: Well, no, there's really no reason why hearting that would make you feel better.
[00:41] prettybirddinah: And that's all.
[00:41] justjuns: But how it went from you missing out on a playmate to making light of his past...when you could be one of the only women with whom he could break that pattern even if he's not with you now -- or might ever be?
[00:41] prettybirddinah: I wanted one night where I could pull a Batman and brood about how my life isn't like how I wanted it. That's all.
[00:42] prettybirddinah: I was not trying or intending to make light of his past.
[00:42] justjuns: With a man who lives that...yet manages to be your friend no matter what other desires he's put away?
[00:42] justjuns: How long have you been splitting your guts with him?
[00:42] justjuns: Sharing your hopes and dreams with him?
[00:42] justjuns: you tell him about men you want to share your bed with out of...boredom?
[00:43] justjuns: And then you speak of his pain with sarcasm?
[00:43] prettybirddinah: Don't confuse me with Huntress.
[00:43] justjuns: *sigh*
[00:43] prettybirddinah: I wasn't aiming for casual sex with this guy.
[00:43] justjuns: Don't confuse yourself.
[00:44] prettybirddinah: I figured we'd date for a while, that's all. I wasn't aiming for long-term committment.
[00:45] prettybirddinah: Not out of boredom, either. Oracle tried to set us up.
[00:47] justjuns: *Jun has her head in her hands. So doesn't get it*
[00:47] prettybirddinah: God dammit, there's another one.... You! Freeze!
[00:47] justjuns: You're working?
[00:47] justjuns: My deep apologies.
[00:47] justjuns: Thank you for your time, Dinah-san.
[00:48] prettybirddinah: Welcome. 'Scuse me.