Mar 15, 2007 01:44
Jun meant to rewrite one of Dr. Nambu's programs to implement one of the Borwein algorithms for calculating pi to a charmed number of decimal places but ended up celebrating with pie.
She dressed Chance in Hideo's clothes, tied a hat onto him, gave him his pacifier and his stuffed spider, then took him, his stroller, his diaper bag, and a gun out to Derek's jeep. After loading up, she drove the jeep through the nexus mists and into Utoland.
It was a balmy day. The stench from Low Town was barely a whiff in the air. The sun made everything bright. In the yellow jeep, her fuchsia sweater, pink blouse, pink-and-blue patterned skirt, and white tennis shoes she'd made herself-- and Chance-- conspicuous. He seemed fussier than usual, bedded down behind the passenger seat between pillows, but every rattle and jar of the road that had never bothered her before, had her looking over her shoulder and checking to make sure he was okay.
They were stopped by a police officer for driving 23 km below the speed limit--a new one for Jun. When the officer recognized her he apologized, but then his eyes fell on the baby. "...Is that the...?"
"Yes," Jun replied.
He fell silent, but wrote her a ticket. "You'll need a carseat for him."
Jun said, "That's why I'm in town, officer."
She drove out to one of the tonier sections of Utoland with no further incident. Figuring that some of its shops would be sure to have what Chance needed.
Chance fussed with his hat and sunglasses. Maybe he thought that if Jun was going about with her face and head uncovered, he should too. But Jun explained that while she wanted people to take recognizable pictures of her, his eyes and skin needed to be protected from the sun. He kept pushing off his protective gear when she wasn't looking. Sometimes, she wouldn't notice that he'd won freedom for his eyes (or head) until someone would chase after them with his glasses or hat held aloft. She decided she should have brought two hats. She didn't like putting something that had touched the street on him, but what could she do? "With you it's germs or sunburn, hmm?" He tried to put his toes in his mouth while rolling his eyes at her.
Jun pushed them to an airy cafe where she was greeted with great deference. The host suggest a private room, or a place inside. Jun insisted on a balcony table overlooking the boardwalk. The professional camera people came by and were very polite. They snapped their pictures without yelling too many questions.
Jun held Chance in her arms and ordered banana custard pie. She fed him his bottle. And tried to snatch bites of pie. As someone who had held off entire battalions on her own, she found she was something at a loss with an uncoordinated, fat infant. Chance was much better at transferring custard from her fork to her sweater than she was in getting formula from the bottle to his throat.
Between baby, bottle, pie, and plate, an accident happened.
Their server ended up wiping down one side of Chance's face while Jun cleaned up wandering, sticky hands. She apologized for the broken plate and the server apologized for not thinking to get a high-chair.
Afterwards, Jun ordered another slice of pie to go. Maybe she'd get to eat it later.
She made sure to leave a huge tip. She wasn't sure how much one of the plates ran, and she didn't want the server losing money over it.