I don't mean to use her lj... But for her sake, i want her to read this journal when she's awake. God, santi (i mean, shiranui_kai), when are you gonna wake up? All of us began to feel worry... Please wake up, you don't ever move or open your eyes yet! We're not allowed to visit you either by the stupid damn doctors and nurses! Please wake up, qualifying exams are going to be coming next month! I miss your drawing, not only me, but the whole school and you kept saying that no one gonna help you before, look! I've told every body about your problem, do they ignore? No! They worried? YES! not only lj members worry about you, but also
theOtaku.com's members too! Don't die, i can't agree with the doc's comment about your '50% alive and 50% dead', NEVER!! You're too young to die! Hope you wake up from your dream, santi... MISS YOU! --> from your best friends and members of Akatsuki club members of our school.