[log] Chitose & Shiraishi

Dec 11, 2008 19:44

WHO: Shiraishi and Chitose
WHERE: Chitose's place.
WHEN: 12/11/08
WHAT: Shiraishi visits Chitose, who has a .. new "hat".

He felt stupid just standing there. Staring at the nameplate of Chitose's household; Shiraishi wasn't always this hesitant when going over to a friend's house -- but not having hung out with Chitose for more than a week left him sort of listless since then. 'Well, can't stand outside forever, so here goes,' Shiraishi reaches out to ring the doorbell, still a little nervous, though he can't put his finger on exactly why.

Chitose looked up from his magazine when he heard the doorbell ring and a small grin appeared on his face as he rolled off the couch to get up and pad over to the door. He picked up his new hat on the way and held it behind his back as he popped in front of the door to pull it open. "Shiku, you made it. I was starting to wonder if you'd forgotten. Come on in."

The captain shook his head in amusement, "There's no way I'd forget something like this." Shiraishi let himself in, looking around at the house and he noticed it was... well, empty. Not thinking too much of it, he turned his attention to Chitose, who was wearing this.... smile. It alarmed him a bit, "Ahhh... s-so where's the family?"

"The family? Out and about." Chitose shrugged a little as he leaned against the wall, hands still behind his back. "Miyuki's over at a friend's house, and the parents are working. Or dad's working. Mom's probably out being a gossip again." He tipped his head and grinned at Shiraishi a little bit. "You seem a little out of sorts."

"I, I see. So just us.." Shiraishi raised an eyebrow and looked right into Chitose's eyes, "A.... little out? Well, I guess you could say things have been moving slow and.." He blinked a couple times, "What's with that face?"

"What face?" Chitose carefully, slowly, and very obviously schooled his face into one of complete and utter innocence as he looked at Shiraishi. "I'm not making any sort of face. I don't know where you'd get that."

"Er," Shiraishi examined his teammate and drew closer, squinting, "You're ... thinking of something, aren't you?" That innocent look and Chitose weren't exactly the most convincing kind of mix. Shiraishi suspected something, but didn't think too much of it; so he backed down and crossed his arms, "So-"

"Right. I was going to show you my new hat. Well, it's less of a hat and more of a headband, but hat's quicker to say." Chitose finally grinned, innocence completely gone, and he pulled the mistletoe band out from behind his back and plunked it down onto his head. "Whaddya think?"

"W-what the?!" Shiraishi heart jumped a little. "I-is that what I think it is?!" At this point, he's at a a loss for words, "What do I think?! I think you've gone off the deep end." He didn't realize it, but he turned a little red as he looked off into the distance in the house. He avoided Chitose's eyes as much as possible, "You probably got that out of a clearance bin."

Chitose snickered quietly and pushed himself away from the wall. "Not exactly the response I was looking for." He advanced on Shiraishi now, using his incredibly tall presence to push him toward the door. When his dear captain's back was planted against it, Chitose lifted a hand and placed his palm flat on the door to the side of Shiraishi's head. "It's Christmas tradition."

Shiraishi's eyes widened. This was one of those rare situations where he couldn't figure out what to say or do to get out of it. Nothing. His mind went blank. All he conjured up was, "But that's silly-" Though obviously, it seemed as if whatever he said at this moment would seem, well, insignificant.

"What's so silly about it?" Chitose lifted his free hand and grasped Shiraishi's chin between his thumb and forefinger, a light smile playing across his face. "I think it's a pretty neat tradition. It promotes the expression of love and familiarity between people during the festive season. I think we should hang mistletoe up all year 'round."

A gasp escaped Shiraishi's lips when their skin makes light contact. He tries to retaliate verbally, though his mind is completely blank. "It's not hanging above us, it's hanging above you." 'An expression of love..?' Was all that went through his head. 'Dammit, Chitose...'

Chitose glanced upward at the piece of flora hanging over his head. "Is it?" He grinned a little and tilted his head forward, his lips near to Shiraishi's face. The hand planted on the door slid so he rested on his forearm instead, bringing his body in closer. "What if I stand like this? It's over both of us now, right?"

Shiraishi's eyes shut in defeat, his heart was moving at an uncontrollably fast rate -- though he couldn't figure out why. He's kissed his other teammates before, but now... having Chitose stand this close to him, there was a different sort of air to it. Shiraishi was shaking, almost. Perhaps Kenya was right about it all along.

Chitose almost felt bad about doing this to Shiraishi. Almost. He couldn't quite bring himself to go all the way into feeling downright awful about it. With a light smile, he tilted his head and leaned in the rest of the way. As his hand slid from Shiraishi's chin to cradle the back of his neck, Chitose slipped his lips over top of his captain's.

The kiss was light, just as a mistletoe kiss should be. It almost felt surreal, to be advanced on like this. Didn't he advance on a teammate not too long ago? This sort of position -- it was new to him. He had not an idea of how to move or react! His heart moved faster than it'd ever had, faster than that time he and Fuji had that match, faster than when he'd been pronounced 'captain' of Shitenhouji.

With his hold on Shiraishi's neck, Chitose tipped the other teen's neck just a little bit more, and he pressed the kiss deeper. The hair under his fingers felt light, soft, and Chitose wondered idly just how his own would feel under someone else's hands. He moved in closer against Shiraishi, pinning him to the door with his body, one leg slipped between Shiraishi's in order to keep their bodies in as close proximity as was absolutely possible standing up.

Shiraishi gasped for air as he was pinned up to the door. Hesitantly, he lifted his hands to Chitose's chest and gripped the fabric of his shirt as tightly as he could. Shiraishi was unsure of where this was going exactly, but he let Chitose lead the way; and when the kiss became slightly more intense, he could almost feel his chest leap.

This? This was more proof than Chitose needed about just where Shiraishi stood with him. The way his captain's body nearly trembled against him enticed and excited, and it was for that very reason that Chitose had to forcibly pull himself away from Shiraishi, though he still kept him pinned against the door. He licked his lips and let out a slow breath. "Well. I always knew mistletoe was a good idea."

Shiraishi slightly twitched when he regained his mind again; he'd now just registered that he was A) panting for air, B) furiously red, and C) ...their bodies were still very close to each other despite Chitose pulling away. The captain finally conjured up a couple words, though not very tactful. "Y-you planned this?!"

"Maybe." Chitose flashed a grin down at Shiraishi. "Though the inspiration didn't come until I found the hat." He gazed at Shiraishi in silent for a few moments before he finally, slowly, pulled completely away. His hand that cradled Shiraishi's head trailed along the other boy's jaw before he turned and started to finally walk into the house, snatching the mistletoe off of his head. "You want something to drink?"

"B-BUT!" Shiraishi exclaimed, still in a bit of disarray. He didn't want Chitose to detach so quickly from him, for some reason. He finally came to a conclusion, still plastered against the door, "But that was completely uncalled for!" He managed, now out of breath from panting so much. It's as if he'd just came home from practice.

"Juice? Water? We've got soy milk." Chitose called from the kitchen, poking his head out around the archway to look at Shiraishi, still pressed against the door. It had been absolutely necessary for Chitose to walk away: his captain, disheveled and bewildered, was too much of a temptation. "You gonna stand there all day or are you going to come in here and collapse into a chair?"

Irritated and still flustered, Shiraishi eventually made his way to the couch and while he was at it, shed off his jacket. It was getting way too hot underneath. "I'll uh, take the soy milk, then." Waiting for Chitose to return to him, the captain ended up collapsing on his side and took up the entire couch. He kept murmuring to himself, "What was that all about? Is this normal? No..."

Chitose made his way back out to the living room with a glass of milk in one hand and a glass of orange juice in the other. He glanced briefly at Shiraishi, stretched out and taking up all of the room on the couch, before he put the glasses down on the coffee table in front of him. Chitose stepped over to the other end of the couch, where Shiraishi's feet were, and he leaned down to pick up both of his captain's legs long enough so that he could sit down. Once he was settled in, he let Shiraishi's feet drop back down into his lap.

"You've always loved doing that, haven't you." Shiraishi groans, throwing his forearm over his eyes. He can't look at Chitose right now, or he'll find himself all weak and hyperventilating... or something. Something. What was this, exactly?

"Doing what?" Chitose leaned forward and picked up his glass of orange juice from the table in order to take a drink of it. He lifted his own long legs and placed his bare feet on the coffee table, completely lounging and relaxed.

"Doing what?!" Shiraishi let out a sarcastic laugh that went on for a few seconds until it faded into a pathetic sigh. Perhaps this was normal. He was overreacting. That kiss, it was a friendly exchange? Nothing more? Chitose was treating it normally, so it couldn't have meant anything serious? -- All logical thoughts and answers trying to settle in Shiraishi's mind. He was the captain. He couldn't let this stuff get to him. "Oh, I don't know anymore..."

"Well," Chitose took another sip in thought, his other arm draped lazily across Shiraishi's legs in his lap, "I've never had the experience of kissing you before, so I can't say I've always loved that. So that can't be what you're talking about." Another pause and he glances sideways up the couch toward Shiraishi. "Can't say I wouldn't always love doing that, though. But whatever."

Shiraishi chuckled, "I guess so." Chitose was right -- the two had never actually come in that sort of contact before, despite Shiraishi having contact with everyone else on the team like that in some sense. 'Maybe it's just all in my head, and this is all just perfectly normal. Yes.' Once confirming this in his head, he sat up and opened his eyes, braving the sight of Chitose, "I don't know what I'm talking about anymore, actually."

"Then that makes two of us. Now drink your milk and let's watch some TV." Chitose leaned forward and grabbed the remote before he leaned back again and turned the TV on, landing on some random, cookie cutter show where people did stupid things to embarrass themselves. He rested his hand on Shiraishi's leg and absently, really without thinking about it, rubbed his thumb back and forth.

Shiraishi didn't have the appetite to do anything, it seemed. He watched Chitose flip on the TV and he just sat there, still a bit dumbfounded by what had gone on over 10 minutes ago. It was etched into his mind more so than he'd thought it'd affect him. Not wanting to deal with the situation at hand any longer (since Chitose treated this normally), he ended up sitting up and inching closer and resting his head on Chitose's shoulder, arms crossed, and eyes turned towards the TV. His legs were comfortable.

Chitose blinked a little at all of the moving around, and at the fact that Shiraishi was nearly sitting in his lap now. He raised an eyebrow briefly but let it go, one hand dropping from Shiraishi's leg to rest, loosely, behind his back. Chitose watched the show in silence for a little while, the heat from his captain seeping in through his clothes and spreading across the whole of his body, warm and familiar. After a while, he closed his eyes and turned his head in toward Shiraishi, lightly burying his nose in the other boy's hair.

Shiraishi had finally calmed down. With all this excitement, he grew exhausted and was almost half-asleep when he felt Chitose nuzzle his hair only making him more tired. He was warm again, but this time, a different sort of warm. There was something very calming about being attached to Chitose like this; one taste of it from earlier on when he'd arrived was enough to keep him coming back to that warmth. Shiraishi softly murmured, "Sorry about this." .....He drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't until Shiraishi's breathing evened out that Chitose even noticed his captain had fallen asleep on him. He blinked and gazed down at Shiraishi's head before he allowed a small, secret smile to spread across his face. Silently, he kissed the top Shiraishi's head before he turned his attention back toward the TV. It was after nearly an hour of watching what felt like the same five minutes over and over again that Chitose dropped off into sleep as well, his cheek against Shiraishi's hair.

ooc: log

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