The Rules
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight six people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Ready, set, go:
1: Make a list of five things you can see without getting up.
My double gulp water and lemon cup, dirty dishes, hats I need to mail out, my backpack, the living room.
2: Any big projects upcoming?
Currently working on a TARDIS shoulder bag, after that, Megan's bunny hat and a mini-Kimmi for
laligin .
3: What are you wearing now?
Stinky socks, and green panties. Oh, and the barefoot ring I found a few months ago.
4: What's your ringtone?
"Gay Pirates" by Cosmo Jarvis for most people. For dad and step-mom, it's the Loony Tunes theme, and for my mom and gram, it's a voice-clip from Monsters, Inc.
5: What do you hear right now?
odangoinblack snoring, and iTunes.
6: What's your favourite guilty pleasure treat?
Fangirling over Glee.
7: What are you thinking about right now?
That I should really go and take that shower...
8: Write the first word that comes to mind
9: Dog person or Cat person?
Both, actually. Only slight allergies to fuzzy things, if they decide to ram their fur in my nose.
10: If you came across $2000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?
... Depends, but if I could live with the guilt, maybe keep it. I HAVE NEEDS TOO OKAY
11: What was the last thing you bought?
Subway for lunch.
12: If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Everywhere I possibly could for as long as I could.
13: Where do you see yourself in 5 minutes?
Tagging this, and downloading Torchwood audio.
14: Last book you read?
Err, ah, I mean... I don't remember? *hides*
15: What are you doing this weekend?
Working, hanging out with the midget and the boyfriend.
16: If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I've always eyed the cello...
17: How are you?
Tired. Truck nights tire me out.
18: Snog, Marry, Cliff: Amy, Rory, Eleven.
AHHHHH snog and marry Amy (both of them), cliff Rory and Eleven. Then I'll use the TARDIS to go back in time and save Eleven and Rory and we'll all make love pancakes together.
19: What are you looking forward to the most?
In order of occurrence:
Tonight -- sleeping
Finishing the fez and the bag sometime over these next few weeks, and maybe a celery stalk too?
April 23rd -- Doctor Who!
May 13th? -- ACen if we can afford it!
June and July --
laligin being here! *dances*
20: What's your favourite Youtube video right now?
Probably this one... Seriously, Pond, keep those trousers off and that skirt on. :D
miseri_cord ,
snowwhiteliar ,
heartlessfallen ,
avalon_joan ,
lockwithnokey and