Nov 10, 2009 04:33
Today was the midnight release of the movie "Up" as well as "Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2." (Shorted to CoD throughout this) Not that bad, did a good 7 hour shift and had some fun talking to coworkers about LARP and cyberpunk.
But, since I was the one in charge of media, I got to set up the shippers (the display boxes in the front of the store). The "Up" shipper was fairly easy, even though I kept setting off the motion detector. Yes, Disney, the line where Dug says, "Hi! My name is Dug. I love you. Squirrel!" is very cute. But it very quickly loses it's cuteness when I keep hearing it every. time. I. walk. by. it.
Back to the Up shipper in a moment. But I was working on the bigger of the two CoD shippers when I realized I was missing the top half of the corrugate. I ended up having to cut out some cardboard, tape it on, then tape on the top.
However, it was about 11:50 so they wanted us to start wheeling things out on the floor, so this way customers could do some quick shopping before getting in line for the game. So I went back to bring the Up shipper out onto the floor. Thing is, the Up shipper is VERY heavy, even with a handcart. I had to have someone help me tip it back so I could wheel it out.
Now, I'm doing my best to walk it out there, since this is heavy and I'd already lost half the movies on "The Ugly Truth" shipper the first time walking it out, and I really don't want to lose more movies than possible. Again, this is HEAVY, probably about 150 pounds, on wheels, and a bit awkward. It's also taller than me, so I'm walking backwards with this so I can brace it off my chest as I'm walking this thing up to the front.
I'm almost past Gaming when a customer stops me. Well, tries to stop me -- I know if I stop, I can't start again. This is heavy and there are customers all over the place. I slow down, thinking he needs a lot of help, something he can wait on.
"I just want to talk to someone about electronics," he says, as if this is more important than me not being flattened by a big heavy corrugate. I tell him someone is on their way in just a few moments, finally finish walking Up to the front, and make my way back, drenched in sweat since I keep forgetting to take off my undershirt. He stops me again, apparently having found someone to talk to.
But, seriously, dude. Couldn't you have waited a few more moments, and flagged me down when I was on my way back?
(Some might not get why this is a rant; usually at work a lot of the guys constantly ask me if I need help carrying something to the front, or tell me I don't need to carry out that sound system / tv / gaming system because one of the boys will be up in a few moments and they can carry it out. The girls are just as bad, not taking my help when it comes to taking a microwave or some other item like that down from topstock. It's like, seriously, I can carry things really well as long as they're not that awkward and I can get a good grip on them. I'm winning over the boys, but the one time I would like to be asked or even ignored someone stops me, not noticing the very big thing I'm wheeling up to the front.)
Uh, that's it? Other than that, working on OTR, and another Sheraton fic; heaven's, I'm thousands of words behind right now, and oddly awake yet exhausted at the same time. Also, question -- is it common to write fanfic when it comes to your own characters? Is it, or am I just odd?