Never give up, never surrender.

Jun 05, 2008 11:43

A kind of "British" weather here since Wednesday with rain and mist gives me a bit time.

Master classes are done since March, as well as the final exams where I still wait for the results. The final verbal test will be June, 10th. After that, I'll be a full landscaping master-burd. ^v^ Hossa.

Our own apartment here is fully operating now, living room is renovated and in use. All in all, Nel and I successfully established a third independent apartment in the house of my parents in law. It feels very good not to pay rent anymore! ^v^

Since June, 1st I run my own landscaping company. Yay for insanity....

But seriously, things start up good for me. Today I got the ruling that I officially get aid from the employment agency. This will cover all my expenses for the coming 9 months. Every order I get via the company itself means extra money I'll return into my financial buffer.
Another good fact: I'm independent from any bank, for I'm able to finance everything with my own capital... with a little help of my parents, who were generous enough to support my company idea. (As well as 100% of my whole family) 100% equity capital makes me sleep much better. ^v^

But still there is a lot of work ahead. I spent a lot of the first days with searching a fitting car that is strong enough to pull a small follower that will do my needs. After a lot of comparing and calculating offers, I focused on the following model:

It's not the place I'll buy it from, but a nice picture in the right coloration. :) The planned supporter for this silver beauty can be seen here:

Due to most landscapers have some variant of green, I consider building my "fleet" in silver. Skies, I'll be a damn proud burd once those two vehicles will stand here in front of the house, loaded with all my tools and machines *floof*

The coming months are dedicated to build up a stable customer base, get everything company-related up and running, doing some marketing and preparing my seminars for winter.

I spent some time with re-doing the surrounding garden of the house, getting used to physical work again after some months of study. As soon as my digi-cam is there, I'll do some photos ^^

A part of me is still whispering this is crazy... risk, workload blahblahyaddayadda. But the main part of me is determined to walk this path. Never again I want to obey to a boss, begging for a day off or arguing about personal management. Never again working 12+ hours in landscaping and not even getting an honest "Thanks".

I'm damn determined to go all the way with this. I know about the risks and I'm as well prepared as possible. I've got good insurances on a payable level and I have a bunch of ideas how to make this work.

In some way, this opportunity is a great kind of reward for all shit I have gone through so far. .. and it confirms me that even from the worst situations something good can be created as a result.

Never give up, never surrender.

So much from the burd today. ^v^
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