Dec 20, 2003 07:18
I should be sad, for today is my 28. birthday and I'm sick. Not just a little headache or something, really really sick. (You know this sensation as if someone has pushed two glowing irons up your nose?) The last two nights have been horrible, for Nel and I are keeping each other from getting enough sleep. *snuzzlekisses Nel*
Still, I'm not feeling bad emotionally. I seldom get sick like that and I'm very thankful for that. Also, there are so many people around me who care and this gives me much more strength then needed to fight this silly sickness. Actually, I'm even happy about being sick, for it reminds me how seldom it is for me. Ok, being sick at your foalday isn't something you can cheer about, but it's not as bad as others have it... for their whole life. My full health will be back in a few days.
Due to I've become sick, I wasn't able to go to work at Friday. My boss wasn't very happy, for I already had two days off this week for the cinema special(LotR- return of the king, yay!) and too, I've comparable often ill in the last two months. I can understand my boss, for they need to earn their money as well, trying to survive. But working as a landscaper with fever and stuff? Hello? I would be in hospital now, if I had gone to work yesterday. I don't care if they are upset with me, for _I_ have to live with my decision mostly, not them and I refuse to kill my health for their wallet.
Enough complaining. If they don't understand my attitude, it's their problem, not mine. -->:-)
As I woke up before, Shin surprised me with a picture and made my request a foalday gift. Thank you so very much Shin!!!! *gives Shin a tight tail&winghug* -->:-)
Also, a huge thanks to Aurora for sending good thoughts our way. *snuzzles* Don't be depressed when your friends feel bad, for it won't help making them feel better. In my experience, it already helps a lot to offer your ear and show that you really _care_ -->:-)
The society we have been born into often seems cold and hostile. It forces us to hide our true emotions & self from public and this makes so many people experience this energy-taking solitude. The only way out is to built up a circle of friends you can trust and lean on when times get rough. If you have at least one person you don't have to hide your true self from, you already achieved a lot! -->:-)
Also, keep in mind that we being sad or depressed is part of being alive. No one can be happy all the time and even if, what would it be worth without the contrast of sadness?
Sadness and pain is the price we have to pay for being able to be happy and love.
Sometimes, it seems that we are so small, compared to all the bad things that happen every day. True, alone you can't achieve a lot, can you?
You can.
For the ones around you, your family, friends and loved ones, you can be everything they need. Nobody demands that an individual alone changes the world. But all individuals together can. It seems that sometimes, about all the things we alone can't do, we forget what we are able change.
And the biggest improvements can be done, when we change ourselves.
I wish you all a merry X-mas out there. -->:-)