This is a WRH-type fic based on "The Ember Island Players". I found Aang's behavior in that episode to be his most deplorable and disgusting, it pisses me off that he didn't get some form of punishment for violating Katara. But of course he wouldn't, seeing as how the little creep is a classic Author's Darling, Wesley and Gary Stu all rolled into one. Hmph. There's also some hinted Toph/Katara in this as well.
No one was enjoying the play except Toph, but Katara could tell even she was having her doubts after they showed the fall of Ba Sing Se. When they broke for a second intermission, she decided to get some fresh air.
That's where she found him, standing on the balcony fuming and possibly about to have a hissy fit.
"Aang, for spirits' sake." Katara rolled her eyes. "It's just a play. Why do you always have to take things so seriously?" Sometimes she wondered how she put up with the boy at all; during the invasion she'd commented on how he'd changed, but now she could see he'd changed for the worse. From an immature little goofball to a selfish, entitled, cocky brat.
"Didn't you see what they said?! Katara, you proclaimed your love for Zuko and that's not right!!" He stamped his foot. "You're not supposed to love him, you're supposed to love me!"
"Supposed to love you?" She bristled, then willed herself to calm down as she walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He's just a child, be patient... "Look, Aang, I like you as a friend, but right just isn't the right time for us to-"
"When is the right time?!" Aang whined, banging his fist on the rail.
"I'm just confused, okay!?" she snapped. Aang's face darkened, and Katara's heart leapt in her chest.
"Fine, then. If you're not going to give, I'll just have to take." He grabbed her arms and forced his lips up against hers, and Katara froze, panicking. His tongue pushed between her lips, and she shuddered with revulsion as she pushed him away. The taste of his mouth lingered, sour and bitter and unwanted and repulsing her to her very core.
"What part of not now do you not understand?!" she screamed.
"Katara, I'm the hero and you're the girl! Therefore, we're meant to be!" Aang snapped. Just then, the rest of the gang came over to see the commotion.
"What's going on?" Zuko asked. Aang turned his daggers over to the firebender.
"You," he snapped witheringly. "You're out to steal my girl!"
"Guess you forgot all about poor lonely Mai in her prison cell," the boy said maliciously.
Zuko's chest tightened with the painful reminder of his beloved, under the watchful eye of sadistic prison wardens and his psychotic sister.
"Excuse me?"
"Guess you never really loved her. But who could? She's an evil, emotionless little bitch." Aang smirked, and that did it. Any sympathy anyone might have had for the entitled brat vanished like a puff of smoke, and they surrounded him, eyes gleaming with undiluted hatred for him.
"How dare you!" Zuko snarled, grabbing Aang by the collar and slamming him against a wall. "You have no right-no right whatsoever to talk about Mai like that, you worthless, selfish, hateful little creep!" He slugged Aang in the face, and the Avatar screamed.
But she didn't. As Zuko continued to buffett him with punches, Aang could only squirm, twist and groan in anger and pain. When he finished, the Avatar looked worse than when Azula had shot him with her lightning.
"And if you ever insult Mai again, I just may kill you," Zuko growled, then gave a small bow as the others applauded him. "Come on, let's go back and let the kid nurse his wounds. Katara, are you okay?" he asked, noticing she still looked a little shaken.
Katara smiled at her friend.
"Yeah, I will be..." She tried to hide how violated she felt, but Toph, as always, knew the truth.
"You can tell me about it when we get home," she whispered to the taller girl, and Katara nodded, leaning on the Earthbender for support.
The rest of the play was as bad as the first two acts, but it was arguably much better without Aang there to whine about it.