Apr 13, 2008 00:34
ok, ppl, how many times must i tell u this?
roku-chan and nami-chan will never b tgethr.ok.im so effin sICK of lookin at ppls profs & seein 'wel roxas/namine is canon cuz sora/kairi is!1' its stupid.i mean COmE ON!!1aku-chan was soo effin gay for roku-chan y deny it itz CAN0N!!11wut is it w/ dese mormon pppl suportin roxas/nami?/itsz retaerded.i swer if i c another effin crischin cumin on My fandom and suporting dis ther getin a fist full.nAMINE DUZSNT DESURVE ROKUROUK-CHAN AT ALL OK?akuroky dey b getyin it 0n at my ploace 7 i hav a camra.lol & kiari shud go 2 hel ok,.sora belongs with xemans!!!!1cuz da way wen xesmen izx al ghey at da end of da game lolol ungunmgh/but newayz sorakirari is clishay newayz i meenm ppl who suport is r jsust retards w/ no life.kirai dusnt even dO neting thru teh hole game!!111and she girgles 2 much and shes such a h-0r!!!11nami is kool thou.cuz she gets it on w/ rikoo 7 miky-chan & malurixzauia & zexion & xibar & lexaueausius & danni fant0m & jorge of da gungle & mudkipz * prz.clinton 7 a bag of m7mz im eatin.nd akuRoky is just KAWAI!!!!!!1ppl only suport rokas/nami bcuz there jelus of teh luvablebutsekhz1!go shuv ur cann0n belivss up ur assh0l.y cant a grl & a boi b frendz 4 onse?wats rong wit dat1/??bsaidz if roxas/nami wer cannon den nami wud b on top & dats just gr0Ss & r0NG!!!11i shud maek a yoai viddie of roku-chan and aku-chan & rokurokyuroku-chan wud hav desse BIG UKE EYES LOLOL and aku-chan wud cumfrt him.w/ butsekhz lolz.dEN U WIL C TRU LUV!111not dis forcd morul siht.u homfones shud go eet sh1t & die.it maek da world a beter palce.i noe wat i shud do.i SHUd G0 & MAEK cA BRADCAST ON AL DA NEWES STASHUNS.DAT WIL DGET THERE MINDS @GETHR.
(ps.XEMANS DUZ N0T BLONG w/ SA'"/'"i"""''X.hez w/ mi bichez.xEMANS GOES 2 S0RA!111)0
i love a fictional character,
boys do everything better,
im rite ur rong,
het is ewww,
listen up u hores,
advice because we care,
i hate my vagina,
ur going 2 hell 4 dat,
food is teh sex,
better than you,
i'm on my meds i promise,
true love,
kingdom hearts,
are you going to shut up?,