Nov 25, 2006 14:16
orgies solve all issues, so going to hell now, i love a fictional character, d00d, yayz, clowns are scary, im rite ur rong, crack, blah blah blah, drugs, zmfg, can't we all just get along, assholery, but why? but but but?, lol, boobies rule, candy!, dude, shouldn't i be doing schoolwork?, better than you, gay, threesomes, |_33+, ot3, where is your god now, crackhead, u all r h0rz, assitude, doing drugs, buttsex, omfg, can't keep it in the pants, candy!!!, otp, this post wins, lesbians, butthead, origies, bewbs, spelln iz 4 lozers, heresy, logic, but why is the rum gone, omg, ur going 2 hell 4 dat, spllinz 4 nerdz, boobies, asshattery, teh gay, but what are your thoughts on yaoi?