This LJ has less spam than Chisame's /o/
Because I dropped Asuna, I'm moving the GREAT NEGIMA DOUJINSHI PROJECT over to this LJ! Updated today, 11/12/07!
Aquastar has this huge Negima! doujin Savefile project that can be found
here. ALL THE FREE NEGIMA! PORN YOU COULD EVER WANT, AND A LOT THAT YOU DON'T! Along those lines, I've done my share of downloading from the project, and I keep a list of what I have, what language, the pairing, circle if I know it, trainwreck value, etc. Because from the links, there's really no way to tell what's what, and I'm way beyond the point of remembering it all. (At the same time, I hate it when I go download something and it turns out I have it, or that I've seen it before and it sucked.)
If anyone wants any of these, they're--up on the Savefile page. >D If it doesn't work for you, I can try to upload?
As a general rule, image links in this post are not safe for work.
3-A 2: Negi/Asuna/Haruna/Nodoka/Yue. Japanese. This is a Gambler Club doujinshi, which means it has the usual EXCELLENT ART and convoluted plot where I have no idea what's going on other than a bunch of sex and a couple of panels where Haruna draws herself a cock, although she doesn't actually do anything with it. M-man Haruna ends up a dickgirl a lot. (GAMBLER CLUB)
21st Century Schizoid Girls: Makie/Asuna, futanari. Japanese. Eva possesses Makie which SOMEHOW RESULTS IN A COCK?! and orders her to rape Asuna while Negi watches. lolz. Art is middling. (LUNATIC PROPHET)
1000% SPARKING!: Asuna/Negi. Japanese. Eva is fishing and catches Kamo-kun. Somehow this leads to an Asuna/Negi sex scene which is possibly the worst I have ever seen. Arm-sized dick! Foot job! 8D Art is very good, sadly.
1000% STALKING!: Setsuna solo, Negi/Setsuna, Konoka/Setsuna, futanari. Japanese. Based on the second anime, I think, and not the manga? SETSUNA LOEV DICKGIRL KONO-CHAN. 8D Art is good but not a style I'm personally fond of. (MANGA SUPER)
Akogare Asobi: Setsuna/Konoka. English. Setsuna is training at Eva's resort, Konoka comes to visit, Setsuna ends up drunk and molests Konoka. Unf?! This doujin is worth downloading for the "Flehmen Reaction" sequence alone, and also for Hoshinohate's art, which is really unique and good as always (although less so here than recently--I think this is an early doujin). (HOSHINOHATE)
Anime: Negi/Asuna, Negi/Nodoka. Japanese. Negi clones top Asuna and Nodoka, although not much actually happens. There's also a random story featuring . . . I'm not even sure if they're anime characters, it's just bizarre. And some Azumanga and Yotsubato! pics. Y-yeah this is a weird one. The art's not that great. (HEPPOKO)
Arcanums 01: Random dudes + Nagi/Eva gangbang. Japanese. Just another Eva gangbang doujinshi (god she gets a lot of these) with SUPER UKE LOLI EVA and also pretty horrible art. I DUNNO WHY IT'S STILL ON MY HARD DRIVE, DO NOT WANT.
Ashita na: Dudes/Asuna random art. Japanese. There's no story here, just a collection of pictures, and THEY'RE REALLY BAD. XD I-I mean the art is just bizarre. The breasts especially. THEY'RE NOT SHAPED LIKE THAT OKAY ;; Also there's some . . . I think it's Soi Fong? in here too, only her tits are huge, so I'm not sure if it's Soi Fong. But it looks like her. (TELEMARK)
Asu Maki: Asuna/Makie/Negi. English. Possessed sex demon Negi! Lots of sex! Little plot! Very good art! One of my favorites. (KINMEKKI KON)
Asuna da, Sousou: Asuna/Negi. Japanese. Same circle as 1000% SPARKING! but not as terrifying. Also starts with an Evangeline side story. Is this a series or something? Art is still good, Negi's cock not quite as disturbingly huge.
Asuna vs. Negi ???/Asuna. English. Funniest doujinshi EVER. Asuna appears to have had a lobotomy and is persuaded that
an adult man with a cardboard box on his head is actually Negi, and has sex with him. WHY?! It's hilarious. The art is very good. I think I only have half of this doujin. (GUST)
Bukuma! 2: Yue/Nodoka, futanari. Japanese. Negi misfires a spell to make his cock bigger (I think) and Yue, who was masturbating in the school for some reason, ends up with the penis. Nodoka walks in and adheres to the Golden Rule of Futanari (i.e. "If your best female friend suddenly has a penis, well, suck that shit!"). Dickgirl sex ensues! This is . . . actually pretty cute, and the art is really good. (X-10SION)
Chao Bao Zi: 2nd person doujin, Chao and Ku Fei chapters. Japanese. Standard Akamatsu Big Boss fare. Art is, as always, borderline canon. (BIG BOSS)
Dekoroke no Hakudaku: Dudes/Ako, Dudes/Madoka, Dudes/Sakurako, Dudes/Misa. Japanese. This is just like everything Studio Wallaby does, basically, only the art is better than usual. XD You've come a long way, Studio Wallaby! But yeah it's just scenes of Decopin Rocket getting laid before a concert. (STUDIO WALLABY)
Empress of Nosferatu: Eva gangbang. Japanese. What the Christ? Very pudgy artstyle, but good. Fluids. Oh god, the fluids. What the hell is happening? I can't tell because of all the FLUIDS. (ERECT TOUCH)
Erotical Mahora: Kazumi/Negi, Makie/Ku Fei/Ayaka/Yuuna/Negi, Asuna/Negi. Japanese. lol. Basically everyone rapes Negi constantly WHAT WHY. Art is extremely cute which makes it a lot worse somehow. Ku Fei like adorably
chewing on one of Negi's balls is the best thing ever.
Eva Nyango Ranshi: K-kamo/Setsuna, Konoka/Setsuna, Nagi + Albireo/Eva. Japanese. I-I knew it was only a matter of time before I found a doujin in which Kamo is involved, AND THIS IS IT. There's no uh penetration or--otherwise, just some nipple-sucking which is horrible because it's so IC SOOOOOB. Anyway, Eva ties up Setsuna and has Kamo molest her, and then Konoka uses a strap-on on her in front of them and Eva seems perturbed for some reason (probably because Setsuna's uh obviously not suffering). Then Eva has a dream about bottoming to Nagi. This is a Gambler Club doujinshi which means the art is s-s-stellar. (GAMBLER CLUB)
Evangeline: Eva/Negi, Male/Eva. Japanese. Eva and Negi UNF UNF UNF while Konoka and Setsuna watch, and later Eva fantasizes/remembers getting fucked (it looks like she might be human in this, so--flashback?) during class or something. The art's pretty cute and the cover is really damn nice. (KYOUGETSUTEI)
Extra Stage Vol. 10: Asuna/Konoka/Negi + random pinups. Japanese. Typical "Negi has an erection and doesn't know what to dooooo Asuna help!" plot. THIS IS PRETTY COMMON IN NEGIMA DOUJINSHI. XD The art's middling. This one is only half Negima!, with the other bit being from Super Robot Wars or something.
Fragrance of Lilac: Chachamaru/Eva, Negi/Eva. Japanese. This starts off with a HILARIOUS SEQUENCE where Eva is sucking a dick and gazing into Nagi's eyes, only it pans out and it's actually Chachamaru with a mask and a strap-on. Then Negi turns out to have been tied up in the bed somehow and they rape him. This is relatively IC. The art is very good objectively but PERSONALLY I'm not fond of the style--it's sort of unique but extremely well done. (MEDICAL BERRY)
Futanari Sensei: Evangeline/Negi, with Eva topping in the TRUEST SENSE OF THE WORD 8D Futanari and crossdressing. Also Tentacles/Setsuna/Nodoka/Asuna. Japanese. Y . . . yeah. This is pretty much horrible random dickgirl porn. XD Art is okay, not the greatest. (VOLTCOMPANY) NOTE: lost in computer crash
Geki!! Evangelin Ikka: 2nd person with Eva, Chachamaru, human!Chachazero. Japanese. Big Boss again, nothing new here. (BIG BOSS)
Guuzou Hakudaku: Random guys/Chisame gangbang. Japanese. Pretty standard RAAAAAAPE, though in the second half she dresses up as Chiu and seems a bit more willing (and thinks of Negi lol!). The art is really really good other than the BIG TITTIES.
Himehajime: Konoka/Setsuna, futanari. Japanese. Konoka has DICK PILLS and uses them to show Setsuna a good time! The art's cute and pretty good, but varies in quality within the story. (Takumi Hojo)
Ho-kago wa Sanpo bu!: Negi/Fuuka/Fumika. Japanese. This is great if you like loli! XD THE TWINS ARE A LITTLE LESS THAN PUBESCENT even though they're 14 and the art here plays that up a lot. Very cute sketchy sort of style, but yeah, super loli and twincest. Anyway, Fuuka finds one of Negi's training magic wands and realizes she can use it to make people fall in love (or at least kiss each other). She takes it back home and uses it on Negi, and she and Fumika GET LAAAAAAID. It's cute for porn :( (JIDO-HIKKI)
IF - Code 04: Ayaka/Negi. English. A Big Boss doujin that isn't technically 2nd person, wow! Still the usual. (BIG BOSS)
IF - Code 05: 2nd person Chizuru. Japanese. There's only so much I can say about Big Boss. (BIG BOSS)
IF - Code 07: 2nd person Asuna. Japanese. (BIG BOSS)
Karafuru Mahora! 01: Negi/Asuna, Negi/Ku Fei, Negi/Makie, Negi/Kaede, Negi/Yue. Japanese. BAKA RANGERS SPECIAL! 8D This series is all in full color and the art is absolutely great. It's all just basic "Negi fucking people" and each segment lasts maybe 3 pages tops, but the art is worth it. (HAPPY WATER)
Karafuru Mahora! 02: Negi/Haruna, Negi/Nodoka, Negi/Chisame, Negi/Chizuru/Natsumi. See above! These doujin are all the same, but super pretty. (HAPPY WATER)
Konoka no Koi Suru Heart: ???/Konoka. Japanese. Big Boss-ish style "story" without the Big Boss art, but still pretty good. Art-wise, that is. (STUDIO WALLABY)
Little Black Bitch: Eva gangbang again, w/Chachamaru and Asuna cameo. Japanese. Best doujin title EVER. Amazing art.
Lovelys in the School with Dream 03:
Luchadores/Ako/Asuna/Setsuna/Konoka. Japanese. I'm not even fucking kidding. 8D The LSD series is hilarious and awesome and win, with great art and
sheer crack all over the place. I need #1 and 2. (Nearly Equal ZERO COMICS/K.M.station)
Lovelys in the School with Dream 04: Chachamaru/Hakase futanari, Chao/Mana. Japanese. The infamous "Chao is stockpiling semen and snowballs Mana, which makes her go
Super Saiyan" doujinshi. w-what. (Nearly Equal ZERO COMICS/K.M.station)
Lovelys in the School with Dream 05: Haruna/Eva futanari, Yue/Nodoka. Japanese.
Even crackier than the previous two, with some
hilarious art. This is
the best series ever guyz
okay. (Nearly Equal ZERO COMICS/K.M.station)
Lovelys in the School with Dream 08: Asuna/Negi. Japanese. Kamo somehow talks Asuna and Negi into having sex! Haruna cameos to give advice! This isn't as crack-laden as the rest of the LSD series and it's a standard pairing with no real surprises (and the art's not as awesome as in LSD 5), but it's the most TSUNDERE DOUJINSHI EVER and this is probably what their first time will actually be like, in that it involves a lot of Asuna hitting Negi and Negi being clueless and putting it in the wrong hole. It also involves Asuna choking on Negi's dick and throwing up a little, but thank god it's a gag thing (GEDDIT) and not played sexually, uh. (Nearly Equal ZERO COMICS/K.M.station)
Ma!: NOT PORN. HOW CAN THIS BE?! This is just a 10-page long sketchbook of some Negima characters and a few other characters I don't recognize, mostly Setsuna/Konoka with a little Eva and some others. IT'S REALLY CUTE. Not sexual at all, just. Adorable sketchy fanart of like chibis and KonoSetsu in ballgowns. ;; (ROCKET-GUY)
Mahora Cheerleaders: 2nd person Misa, Sakurako, Madoka. Japanese. Tiny little Big Boss number with like, two pages per character. WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM?! (BIG BOSS)
Mahora Gakuen 78th Festival Mahora Chikku: Negi/Nodoka/Haruna/Yue, Negi/Makie/Ayaka, Negi/Asuna, Kotarou/Chizuru/Natsumi, Setsuna/Konoka, Eva/Negi/Asuna. Japanese. There's also a random fight segment between Ku Fei and Ayaka, and a quick segment with Misora--borrowing a hairbrush or something. XD Again this is the same circle as "Erotical Mahora" and again it's just a random fuckfest with really cute chibi-ish art.
Mahora Gakuen Tyutobu 3-A: Negi/Asuna/Nodoka/Yue/Haruna. Japanese. ORGYYYY 8D This one is really nicely drawn and pretty creative for just being PWP. At the end I can't tell whether the events really happened or Haruna was just drawing them. XD The doujin is quite long, but be warned that the scans are ridiculously small and LQ. (GAMBLER CLUB)
Mahou Cheer: Various guys/Decopin Rocket. Japanese. Really, really long. Meh. Studio Wallaby's art isn't well-suited to light-haired girls. (STUDIO WALLABY)
Makie no Dream: Negi/Makie. Japanese. Her dream is apparently about Negi fucking her! SURPRISE SURPRISE. The art's decent and cute but not really stellar--the quality of the scans is poor, though. (TAKA NO DAN)
Marvel Land: This is just a series of rough sketches, most of which are safe for work (there's a naked Negi and a Setsuna but you can't see any details). They're very simple b/w sketches, but nice. Also there's a sketch of Negi playing with Kotarou's ears >DDD
Negi Magic: ???/Chisame, ???/Akira. Japanese. raep raep raep! Really cute art. Did I mention rape? O Japan.
Negi Sensei to Himitsu no Sukuuru Mizugi: Negi/Kazumi/Mana/Nodoka/Yue/Evangeline/Konoka. Japanese. wut. Big Boss again only this time with a recognizable male character and a, uh, "plot." Sort of. (BIG BOSS)
Negichari! 03: Negi/Yue, Kaede/Kotarou. English. Art is pretty good; the Kaede/Kotarou bit is hilarity.
(NOTE: the rest of this series--there are several--are all Negi/Nodoka, and fairly boring at that. I no longer have them on my hard drive.)
Negi-chu! Poni-chu!: Konoka/Setsuna, futanari. Japanese. Konoka has a HUGE COCK and fucks Setsuna with it! Setsuna's wings pop out when she comes! I think that should happen in every Setsuna doujinshi. The scan quality is poor here but the art is REALLY CUTE, I mean, other than the cock as thick and long as her forearm.
Negihime!: Negi/Setsuna/Konoka/Tsukuyomi, Konoka/Setsuna, futanari. Japanese. IT'S AN ORGY and I can't tell what's going on! XD Just lots of sex! Konoka AGAIN has a cock and fucks Setsuna with it. This seems to be a popular theme. The art is cute and there are some other color pics in the beginning from other series. (ESSENTIA)
Negikamo: Pinups of Asuna, Makie, Nodoka, Yue, Evangeline, Ayaka, and Kaede, occasionally paired with Negi, plus some random rough sketches of the final products. Full color! The art is good but . . . okay, these pictures are unintentionally HILARIOUS, because there are usually 2-3 pics in a series, and the pose is the same, it's just that details change? Like in the first Asuna will have on a bra and panties, then just a bra, then in the last one she'll have cum all over her or something. But the actual difference is very small, so it has the effect of a pornographic flipbook if you flip through them using Windows XP's image viewer, and it's probably not SUPPOSED to be funny, but uh. It is. XDDD
Negiko!: Negi/Asuna/Konoka/Ayaka, Negi/Nodoka. Japanese. There's not much else to say. XD MAN Negi really gets around, huh? The art is pretty good. There are also a couple of sections from canons I don't recognize, including a few pages of full color at the beginning which are very well done. I have no idea who the characters are, though. (ESSENTIA)
Negima x 3! Final: Faceless Guys/Ako/Madoka/Yuuna, Faceless Guy/Asuna, Faceless Guys/Yue/Makie/Nodoka, brief segments with Konoka, Mei, Takane, and Kazumi, Chizuru/Kotarou (with kage bunshin!), Negi/Makie, Setsuna/Mana futanari. Japanese. This doujin is HUGE and contains a lot of different artists, some good and some pretty terrible (the Negi/Makie section is awful but the rest are decent and the first bit is very good). The bits with the faceless guys are hilarious, because they all look identical, even if more than one of them appear at the same time. XD T-TWINS?
Negimaru! 1-4: Various men/Chisame, rape. English. Hooo, okay. XD; These doujinshi are all part of the same story. It's done by the guys who did "Azumanga Drifting Classroom," so, um. Yeah. This series is highly disturbing and contains violence/rape/insanity/character death and all that good stuff, so beware. The art is middling, gets better as the series goes. I'm going to spoil these for you but they can practically be read as a hentai manga in and of themselves because there's actual plot to be had here, so if you actually want to read it and don't want spoilers, STOP HERE.
The story is that Chisame discovers that Asuna has overtaken her position as the #1 internet idol, because she's being stalked by photographers who post her pictures without her knowledge. XD She tries to ruin Asuna's reputation on Futaba (or an analogue) and fails, so she cosplays as Asuna in order to take whorish pictures and ends up getting raped at a party. She posts the pics anyway, and it works . . . only then Konoka starts to rise in the rankings . . . OH SHIT SON
Volume 2 starts with Chisame cosplaying as Makie and getting fucked again, and posting the pictures again, to ruin Makie's reputation. Apparently she's started doing this to all of her idol rivals, who are also all classmates of hers (Kamo's the one who's been making idol websites for them, lol). In class one day, she starts to snap when she's surrounded by the oblivious smiling faces of her classmates, and makes a vow to soil their happiness for real. Later in private, though, she breaks down and decides to finally do a photo op as herself . . . but the guy who shows up is Negi, who just takes a picture of Chisame smiling and tells her not to put herself in danger anymore.
In volume 3, though, Chisame is still cosplaying as Asuna and getting fucked. XD The real Asuna's being stalked by someone who wants a photo op, and she tells Negi about it, so Negi asks Chisame for advice, and Chisame goes to confront the stalkers herself. She dresses up as Asuna to appease them for what she says is the last time, but the next day in class, Negi comes up to Asuna and asks if she wants to see "the pictures we took the other day." Chisame--who at this point is totally insane and totally obsessed with Negi--assumes they're sexual pictures or something and cracks,
running off into the rain. Later that night she cosplays as Asuna and willingly lets the fanboys do anything they want to her. After they're done, they tell her they knew she was really Chiu, but didn't really care who they were fucking. Chisame makes them turn away and changes into a new costume:
Dokuro-chan. Yes, complete with spiked club. Which she then uses on them, maiming them horribly. Y-yeah. And then Asuna and Negi walk in. END OF VOLUME 3.
Volume 4 starts with Negi and Asuna running to school as per usual. In homeroom it's revealed that Chisame's been missing for a week. Asuna's now seen the pictures and videos of Chisame dressed as her fucking guys on the internet, and after seeing them she's started having disturbing sexual dreams about the situations. Negi himself has been very withdrawn and quiet since Chisame went missing, causing Asuna to hate Chisame for what she's done. Asuna's having other issues too: she's doing poorly in phys. ed and keeps hallucinating Chisame standing nearby. As the dreams get worse, Asuna's mental state deteriorates--she starts misremembering past events and obsessively showering, and then she starts getting physically ill.
One night Asuna follows Negi when he leaves the dorm. He heads for an apartment a ways away, and as Asuna watches, he opens the door to reveal--another Asuna! Asuna decides this must be Chisame, and that she's gone into hiding and is still dressing as Asuna so that she's not captured and imprisoned for beating the fanboys at the end of volume 3. Asuna takes Negi aside and asks what's going on; Negi tells her that three days after the attacks, he finally found Chisame, wandering the streets alone and believing that she truly was Asuna. He says he decided to let her go on thinking so for awhile in the hopes that some day she would come back to her senses. Asuna tells Negi never to remember that she's the one who's closest to him, which causes Negi to break down crying. Asuna jealously decides to head to Chisame's apartment and confront her, but is stopped by one of the boys Chisame beat the week before, who has a gang with him. The boys strip her and proclaim that she's Chisame, not Asuna, and then rape her. Asuna blacks out.
When she comes to her senses, she's standing alone in the alley with a bloody knife, unsure as to what's happened other than she seems to have killed some or all of her rapists. She takes the knife and heads to the house of the Asuna she saw Negi visiting, the one she thinks is Chisame. When she gets there, she attacks the other Asuna, claiming that she's been soiled and made filthy because of what Chisame did and that now she can no longer be near the pure and beautiful Negi. A big fight scene between the two Asunas ensues. XD As the first Asuna holds up the knife to deliver the killing blow, her wig falls off, and she realizes that she's actually been Chisame all along (in other words, the Asuna that was going to school/getting sick/having trouble remembering/got raped was Chisame, while the Asuna Negi was visiting was actually Asuna), and that Negi knew. Chisame decides to kill Asuna anyway and officially BECOME Asuna. As she raises the knife, Negi dives in front of the unconscious Asuna and takes the knife instead, and then dies after a touching reunion scene (which is incredibly well done and okay I didn't CRY b-but it was an embarrassingly close thing). He reveals that he's a mage to Chisame and then dies (this series takes place somewhere between books 6 and 10), and Chisame finds a picture of herself smiling in his pocket.
The series ends with Chisame saying Negi's magic will never work on her, because "This is the day I died." Whether she kills herself or what is totally unclear. XD
God, I hate you, Studio Kimigabuchi. (STUDIO KIMIGABUCHI)
Negimatsuri: Color pinups. This is just like Negikamo only the art's not as good and some of it's kinda disturbing. XD SAME HILARIOUS FLIPBOOK-THING GOING ON. In fact, I could have sworn I deleted this. IS IT STALKING ME?
NEXT: Konoka clones/Setsuna, futanari. Japanese. Paper dolls of Konoka top Setsuna! Because they're paper clones, they're drawn as white, which makes this look like a Sayo/Setsuna doujinshi which is pretty funny. Same guy who did Himehajime, so the art's the same. Pretty good. (Takumi Hojo)
Not Harry Potter: Asuna dickgirl solo. Some sort of spell backfires and Asuna ends up with a cock, which Negi keeps accidentally messing with through magic (but he never touches her). The art is pretty good in this segment, but then it's followed up with some random Asuna pinups that are really bad. XD
O Negima!: Asuna solo, Asuna/Negi, Konoka/Negi, random pinups. Japanese. This is a long compliation of short stories with different artists. There is also a short lolicon A.I. ga Tomaranai! section at the beginning, but there's no sex or nudity in that. The art in this varies wildly depending on the artist. The cover looks like a PS2 game box though, which is hilarious.
Oshietemasuta: Nagi/Eva, Chachamaru/Eva, Eva/Negi, Ayaka/Asuna/Negi, Nodoka/Yue/Negi. Japanese. Some other random pinups. Super shoujo-style pron! Also, everyone's very. Young. Which they ARE, but they're drawn even younger than usual. Still, the art is good. (MISTY ISLE/Yoji Sorimura)
Owaru Sekai: Eva/Negi + Chachamaru, Eva gangbang, random
gag segments, random (really nice) pinups. Japanese. The art style in this changes drastically between stories. The best story by far is the one where the guy fucking Eva gets decapitated by some random dude with an axe, and then she drinks from the head (
1 2 3 4 5). FUCKING AWESOME.
Powerful Asuna Panic: Asuna/Konoka/Setsuna, Asuna/Eva, random Asuna/Nodoka pics. Japanese. Asuna lezzes out on EVERYONE and I have no idea why. No Negi! Art is decent. (M_pon/HIKARITO MAHOU KOUBOU)
Purakute Bigi.Naru Puatsu: Yue solo, Negi/Yue. Japanese. Yue wanks to Negi, Negi is somehow SUDDENLY THERE LOL and they have sex (unless it's a fantasy. I-I can't read it). Later they have sex in the classroom. There's a hilarious panel where Negi delivers a
really long monologue with a stupid cheerful face while he's just standing there with his cock in Yue, who is like " . . ." XD The art's good here. (BLACK LIST)
Pururun Pai: Negi/Chizuru, Negi/Kazumi, Negi/Mana, Negi/Chisame, ???/Yue. Japanese. The
"tit blindfold" doujinshi, lol. This's a whole lotta porn. Long, like all of SW's stuff, and the art's good. (STUDIO WALLABY)
Shin Seiki Evangeline: Evangeline gangbang. Japanese. That's all I want to say about this monstrosity. :(
Sparking!: Male/Asuna, Konoka/Setsuna, random solo, het, and yuri pics. Japanese. No plot here really, just brief sex scenes (some only one page long) with several characters like Chizuru, Natsumi, Makie, Yue, Sakurako and Misa, etc. The art is okay, better in some bits than others. (Norihiro Shoda)
Spring Onion Return to Heaven! 05: Negi/Ayaka. Japanese. More possessed!Negi. Awesome awesome art. socute ;o; (School Bravehero Club/Yasuyuki Tsurugi)
Spring Onion Return to Heaven! 06: Negi/Evangeline. Japanese. Negi and Eva have sex in both her adult and child forms in the villa, at some point after chapter 137. More super-cute art! (School Bravehero Club/Yasuyuki Tsurugi)
Spring Onion Return to Heaven! Special: Negi/Konoka(?), Negi/Setsuna, Takane/Mei/Unknown male. Japanese. This doujin is probably mistitled, because it looks a lot more like "Negi Magic" in style than the rest of the "Spring Onion" series. The first girl Negi's fucking could be either Konoka or Evangeline; the style in that section makes it really hard to tell. XD I'll say Konoka since she seems to have breasts! The art is very sketchy and minimalist (unlike the other Spring Onion books) but quite good. (CIRCLE TENRAIGA)
Sweet Material!: Haruna/Nodoka, random pinups by various artists. Japanese. This is pretty short, just a little comic with Haruna topping Nodoka and then some pictures of varying quality. The Zazie pinup i-is pretty amazing. XD The art of the main story is decent. (MILLENNIUM GARAGE)
Sweet Pain: Nagi/Evangeline. Japanese. A lot of actual plot which I can't read lol. Art is inconsistent but decent. (ASIHIREYA)
Tatoebakonna Hinichijou: Tentacle slime/Yue/Nodoka, random pinups. Yue and Nodoka accidentally summon an adorable little slime-beast thing with a mustache, which then TENTACLE-FUCKS THEM. 8D Somehow, it's hilarious and cute, despite being tentacles. XD The art is very good and cute. (ARCTIC-PAN)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 04: Chisame/Kazumi. Japanese. Like most of the Jamma series, the art is middling (better at certain points), but the pairing and plot are more original than the norm. And they both get to top. >D (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 05: Chachamaru/Evangeline futanari, Eva/Negi, Setsuna/Konoka futanari. Japanese. See above. The KonoSetsu story is done in a different, bizarre style. (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 06: Kotarou/Chizuru. Japanese. Pretty straightforward pairing and situation for a Fruitsjam doujin, except halfway through the sex Kotarou turns into OLDER ANIMALISTIC WOLFBOY!KOTAROU which is kind of hot. |D The art in this one is good for this series. (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 07: older!Negi/Ako, older!Kotarou/Madoka, Ako solo, Madoka solo, all four at once! 8D Japanese. This one's very good and interesting, but the art seems to have regressed slightly. (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 08: Ayaka/Negi. Japanese. Very good >D I have a weakness for this pairing in porn, though. The art's better this time around. (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 09: Takane/Mei/shadow summons. Japanese. Takane tops Mei and then summons some shadowy tentacles to help, which then top them both. :( Yay lesbians! This volume probably has the best art in the series. (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! 10: fake!Negis/Haruna/Yue/Nodoka. Japanese. The art has improved quite a bit. I love evil, toppy Haruna, especially when she uses her pactio artifact for SEXUAL EVIL (see also: LSD 05). (FRUITSJAM)
Ura Mahou Sensei Jamma! Soushuuhen 1+: Japanese. This is just a compilation of the first three volumes in this series, but I'm not sure if there's any bonus material. Pairings include Asuna/Negi, Ayaka/Negi, Nodoka solo (although Asuna is involved), Negi/Asuna/Nodoka, Chigusa/Setsuna, some random pics of Negi with just about everyone, and Konoka/Setsuna bondage. Like the others in the series, the art varies--it starts off bad but gets better as you get into later volumes (Chigusa/Setsuna is pretty well done). Also features Nodoka putting a cell phone on vibrate in her panties and Asuna calling her repeatedly. 8D (FRUITSJAM)
Zenryoku Shoujo: Negi/Nodoka. Japanese. This is the same circle as Asuna da, Sousou and also features the famous GIANT NEGI DICK! This one seems to have a plot, but I can't figure it out--Nodoka's book turns into something called the Love Note (yes, like the Death Note) and her friends start dying, then Negi fucks her for some reason, then Negi clones come in and gangbang her, then Nodoka . . . writes in the book in blood and Negi may or may not die, I'm confused, but the ending looks happy anyway? I HAVE NO IDEA. This is just bizarre. As usual for this circle the art is really, really good other than the gigantic cocks.
Zubbarn: Negi/Takane/Mei. Japanese. Even more possessed!Negi! Negi gets SEX DEMON'D by the power of the World Tree and tops Takane and Mei hard. T-this happens a lot in Negima! stuff XD The art is middling, a little inconsistent. (K.Z.Z. FORCE)
Ku-Sisanraku Kakataisho: Negi/Ku Fei, some Chao/Ku Fei. Japanese. THIS ICON IS FROM THIS DOUJIN /o/ But anyway! Negi and Ku Fei are training, sex ensues. VERY TYPICAL STUFF but it's cute and well-drawn, wtg Hoshino. Then there's a brief segment at the end with Chao groping and teasing Ku in the onsen, and then Hakase walks in on them and reveals that she doesn't shave her armpits and Chao and Ku are like "Uh." There are a few cute 4koma in here too. |D (HOSHINOHATE)
Paradise Beach: Asuna/Nodoka/Haruna/Yue/Ku Fei/Negi, Negi/Evangeline, Setsuna/Konoka futanari, Takane/Mei/Negi. Japanese. This is the same circle that did "Erotical Mahora," and it's basically the same thing: Negi randomly gets raped by like, everyone. XD Only this time, Setsuna has a penis! The art is incongruously adorable.