Dec 12, 2010 16:01
So, I've been meaning to say this for a while, and this will go on my LJ as well for those there that aren't here. Lately, it's come to my attention that there are many people I call "friends" who could really, honestly care less about me. What I mean, is they for whatever reason find themselves needing to "PRETEND" to be my friend for whatever cause they see fit for it, and it's fucking tearing me apart to be finding out that these people that I thought cared about me, who i thought were true friends, really can't stand me. I've come to the point now, that I'm just going to say this. If you have an issue with me, you need to tell me, so I can point you to the fattest part of my ass that owns your lips. If you have to think to yourself "Is he talking about me?" Then you should know that I'm not. The people that this is aimed at will know. I've been really wanting to get that off my chest lately, and I just decided that now was a good time to do it.
Other than the shitty news that I have a lot less friends than I thought, this is going to be the last semester I go to school before I deploy. I have both my finals next week, and after that's done, I won't have school until I'm in the desert, where I will end up taking some online classes. I need one more class for my associates degree, so woot for that! I'm going to be using my free time without having school to study for some CLEP/DANTES tests, and study for my Staff test next year.
Now that i'm done with this, I'm going to go back to cleaning/studying/homework while its still early...