...means that I may or may not post at all in the upcoming weeks (fic-wise, at least). Not that I've been updating at all, anyway, but...
This leads me to my next point. The reason for this semi-hiatus is a story idea that I don't see as being drabble-sized, and more BEB sized. I was looking for a beta to help kick my ass through this fic and make sure I don't quit.
- brutal honesty. Tell me what sucks, what you hate, what you absolutely can't stand, etc.
- creativity. In this case, I may get stuck and have no idea what to do next. I might need some help and inspiration...
- patience. To kick me in the ass and annoy me until I work, because I will probably get lazy or some shit.
- somewhat gramatically correct. Although it's usually not a problem, sometimes grammar/spelling may slip past me. Probably not too often, though.
- that's it.
Comment below if interested (or message).