(no subject)

Aug 21, 2004 23:58

Mum is so great. ^^ I had only one hour of sleep last night and we were suppost to do a garage sale today to get monies and stuff. So I helped put everything out, then she was nice enought to let me go sleep. Though I went in my bed and just laid there. T T I was depressed today, so I just moped, slept, moped, stared at my cell phone, then slept.

But then she went and bought pizza, a few magazines and animal cookies for me to cheer me up. Yatta~I love her. :3

Ah! WHY?!

Nono! You haunt me with your cuteness. *sob*

12:32 AM
Random: This ... is ... random.
Me: o.o This is?
Random: Yes, this is.
Me: Hello random. ^^ O_o
Random: Hello. I am random. ^^
Me: *giggles* XB;
Random: This is the result of boredom beyond the boundaries of natural law.
Me: Whee! I have no idea who you are, but yay! ....*blink*
Random: Don't worry, you don't know me; nor do I know you. That's the great part. Neither of us can possibly have any misconceptions about one another, because we've just met. To set the record straight, if you wish to get my attention, simply call me Random.

I was almost not going to put this in here. But it was interesting. So alright.
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