Back from the Beach

Jul 05, 2007 21:42

Back from the beach. The weather was nice (though quite, quite hot), and I got lots of sleep so, all in all, not a bad vacation. Hope everyone had a nice 4th.

On more fannish matters:

* I think being on vacation makes returning to wank seem all the more frustrating. There's apparently been Dr Who wank (and this was even without my going to TWOP where wank is ubiquitous). My reaction to the Fandom_wank wank was mostly that I know the show is flawed, but can't we just enjoy something every now and then without picking it to death? (And I really didn't like how a Fandom_Wank commenter brought in Buffy and Spike. Geez, I know that Spuffy destroyed television as we know it, but can we please not bring Spuffy into random, unrelated wanks just so that someone can bitch about Spike, Season 6 and/or 7, or opinions of people who didn't fall over excusing Buffy's behavior while "in a dark place'? I'm all for discussing BtVS, it's just that dragging BtVS issues into totally unrelated wanks annoys me.)

* In other wankiness, it looks like the AMC board I occasionally frequent has been invaded by new posters that I don't understand. The board is usually devoted to Ryan and Babe hate with the occasional Greenlee and Jonathan hate. That's what people are there for. I don't care for newbies dragging hate of other characters into it. Yeah, I know its hypocritical, but I like my Babe, Ryan, Greenlee, and Jonathan hate pure and unadulterated with hating other characters. Sue me.

* Regarding the Doctor Who finale (the episode not the various wanks)
The Master was awesomely awesome. He ranks up there as a really great villain. I was a tad disappointed that the Doctor didn't have to make actual apologies to Jack and Martha, but I was gratified that he offered to take Jack along as a companion if Jack wanted (and I liked Jack turning him down), and a squeed a little over Martha striking out in independence. I really, really have grown to like Martha. She is a companion who pulls her weight (and then some). She was wonderful as the 'legendary' Martha Jones, and her pediatrician was damn cute. I hope she goes looks him up now that she gave The Doctor the boot. All in all, quibbles aside, the finale made me quite happy and I think ended well. Loved The Doctor weeping over The Master. Loved Jack choosing Torchwood. Loved Martha choosing herself. Works for me!
* Managed to work on my kinkathon story for
kellyhk . Kelly, I am working on it. I'm just slow! I'm pretty sure I have a decent hold on the plot of the story that I want to tell. There are details I need to work out, but I finally have some idea of where I'm going. I'm also trying to understand Lindsey McDonald. I want to do him justice and he plays a significant part in the story, but he isn't a character I've written in the past and I feel that I don't understand him all that well.

The frustrating thing with writing is that the story in my head is always better than the story that I put on paper. I can never capture the scenes in my head. I try, but it's never the same. I know we can never be the writer that we wish we could be. That's relatively universal. But putting aside impossible ambitions, it's discouraging to be incapable of capturing one's own ideas in a satisfactory way.

Still, at this point, I'm simply glad that I finally found a plot.

farscape, doctor who, btvs, fanfic

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