Title: shadows and light
shipperjunkieCharacters/Pairing: Damon/Elena
Word Count: 1,634
Spoilers: Post 3x22
Rating: M/NC-17
Summary: Prompt fill for
upupa_epops at the
TVD SmutathonPrompt: Damon/Elena, sex in a dark alley
No beta, but as a good friend said, ficathons are for fun and experimentation. ;)
shadows and light )
I mean the humor, the meaning behind the very well expressed and well written, not to mention very decently arranged booty call..... the way they just GET each other, and respond and react without any punctuation or any beginning or conclusion is awesome! I loved it!!
You know what.... this fic here.... this should have a seal like the one provided below... totally deserves a seal like that:
I mean the humor, the meaning behind the very well expressed and well written, not to mention very decently arranged booty call..... the way they just GET each other, and respond and react without any punctuation or any beginning or conclusion is awesome! I loved it!!
*dead* Thank you so much, that 'seal of approval' has me giggling like a moron.
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