Oh, these are nice. *nods* If I didn't already have a DE moodtheme, that as I recall took me an eternity to install, I would be tempted. But all the same, I can admire the lovely.
I don't remember who made the theme I'm using, but as I recall, there was something funky with the code and I had to do a lot of ~by hand stuff that normally you don't have to do, but I was determined to have D/E because, you know, obsessed.
I'm glad you could create one for yourself that matches your motif! Very chic!
See, back in the day, it didn't. I remember my first Prison Break theme, and even though I had a friend who walked me through over IM, it took like 10-15 minutes. I think LJ must have changed somewhere along the way to make it the hardest longest chore EVAH or something. Because seriously, after my last experience, I was like, I WILL DIE WITH THIS MOOD THEME, THE END.
I always refused a moodtheme, so I'm gonna take your word for it. Dear Lord, I've uploaded half of it, and suddenly I felt this great urge to clean the kitchen.
I don't know how you're doing it, but when I did it, I uploaded all the pics to an album named DE mood theme then chose View All, generated the code for all, copied and pasted into the mood theme form and generated the theme id? Then it was in the drop down menu in the select mood theme section of customizing your journal. Maybe I did it wrong?
I'm glad you could create one for yourself that matches your motif! Very chic!
Please, don't tell me now that there's a quicker way...
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