Destiny's Soul Mate

Nov 01, 2020 17:47

A/N: Hello everyone. I apologize for the long delay in posting, but I had a family emergency . My mother and best friend passed away last week. She struggled through dementia, COPD, a heart attack, and a stroke . But that goddamn covid-19 was too much for her! She fought like hell, being the strong stubborn Hungarian that she was, she only lasted a week. Rest in peace mom. I'll miss you everyday. Here is Chapter 27....about 1800 words! Enjoy Hamerons!

I don't own Hugh, Jenn, or anybody else for that matter. I'm sure everyone mentioned are very nice people in real life. This is fiction. RPF. If this offends you, why are you reading it?

Destiny's Soul Mate

Chapter 27

Eight Weeks

Just then, Hugh's cell phone rang.
"Hello? xxx Yes. xxx YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" shouted Hugh.

Jenn was startled by the outburst and immediately listened to Hugh to see if she could figure out what was going on.

""Is it nationwide or just local? xxxx Jesus Christ, this is all we need! xxxx I sure as hell would like to know how they found out! Xxxx Alright, I'll talk to you later..thanks for the head's up!"
Hugh hung up his phone and let out a heavy breath. "Fuck!"

"What the hell is going on?" asked Jenn.

"I'm sorry. It's nothing. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it!"

"Right Hugh! You're this upset and it's nothing!" challenged Jenn. "Who was on the phone?"

"It was David."

"Well is the public protesting Hameron or something? What is nationwide or local?" Jenn asked, getting upset.

Hugh laughed at her comment and then said, "No Jenn. He called to tell me that the news about what happened with you and Jessie got leaked to the national news. It's spreading like wildfire as we speak. We had hoped to keep this under wraps with the help of my detective friend who was the arresting officer, but no such luck. I just didn't want you to have to deal with more than you already had to."

"Is David upset with me? What will this mean for the show?"

Hugh grabbed Jenn's hand to comfort her and said, "Relax baby, David is NOT upset with you in the least. He's pissed at Jessie, just like everyone else! All of this is his fault! 100% of it! As far as the show is concerned, who knows...maybe the publicity will increase ratings even more! We're definitely killing off Chase though! And in the most horrific way possible!"

The two just looked at each other and busted out laughing.


It had been a long day and once again, Hugh found himself posted at Jenn's bedside. Julia and Daniel had left after supper to go back to the hotel.

Hugh and Jenn spent a quiet evening NOT talking about the elephant in the room, i.e....her emotions regarding the trauma she endured.

It was just past 2 in the morning when Hugh was woken by something. He realized it was Jenn who was apparently having a nightmare. She was tossing and turning and asking Jessie "to stop" and "please don't". It was more than Hugh could stand. He leaned over her and gently shook her awake.

"Jenn! Wake up, sweetheart! Your dreaming Jenn."

Jenn woke up with a start, fear still in her eyes.

"It's ok. I'm here. It was just a dream," assured Hugh.

Jenn very slowly and carefully slid over a little and patted the bed, asking "Will you lie with me and hold me please?"

He didn't hesitate. He slipped off his shoes and leaned up against the headboard next to her. He put his arm around her shoulder and asked, "There, is that better?"

"Mmm. Very Much."

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

I will talk about it with you. I just don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to lie here and have you hold me tight and never let me go!"

"That I can do!"

Hugh held Jenn close for the rest of the night, chasing away any lingering nightmares.


The next day Hugh ran home to shower and change while Julia and Daniel kept Jenn company. He figured this would give them some "sibling time" together. He was hoping they could get her to open up about her feelings regarding the kidnapping. Little did he know, HE was the main topic of discussion!

" spill big sister! I want all the details....and don't leave out the juicy bits!" ordered Julia.

"What are you yapping about Jules?" asked Jenn.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about! Last any of us heard, you were still engaged to psycho-boy! Now all of a sudden, you're hot-n-heavy with the British Heartthrob who by the way just happens to have a wife and three children! So when I say I want details....Duh!" explained Julia.

"Yeah Jenn, I mean Hugh seems like a nice enough guy...especially in comparison to the psychopath you were engaged to, but he IS married! What kind of future do you have?" inquired Daniel.

Jenn, feeling slightly overwhelmed, yelled, "Alright! I get it! Now if you guys shut up for two seconds I'll explain everything."

Taking their silence as her cue, Jenn began, "I've been secretly falling in love with Hugh since the show began but never said anything. And apparently he had been falling in love with me as well but didn't say anything for obvious reasons. Well not long ago Jessie and I had a fight that got physical and Hugh took me back to his condo to be safe. Long story short...I've been staying there ever since. Turns out he had been separated for about six months on the verge of divorce. Their marriage had been a sham for the last couple of years. The weekend Jessie kidnapped me, Hugh flew home to tell his kids about his and Jo's divorcing. And as far as the juicy bits, you're going to have to wait Jules! I'm not divulging that kind of info in front of Daniel!"

Julia pouted and exclaimed, "Party pooper!"

She then looked at her brother mischievously and suggested, "Hey Daniel, get lost!"

All three Morrison siblings broke up laughing.

About an hour later, Jenn's pain had been getting progressively worse so they increased her morphine. This in turn made her more drowsy. Her brother and sister decided to let her sleep while they headed back to the hotel for a while.

On the way to the hotel, they decided to call Hugh and let him know what was going on.

"Hello, Hugh?"


"This is Julia."

"Is Jenn O.K.? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong per say. We just wanted to let you know that we are headed back to the hotel for awhile. Jenn was in a lot of pain so they increased her morphine. We let her sleep since she was so drowsy from the meds."

"O.K. Thanks for letting me know. I better get up there if she's sleeping. She has been having nightmares. I'm ready to head up there now. Hey, did you get her to talk about the kidnapping at all?"

"No, not really," answered Julia.

"Damn! O.K. Thanks again."

"No problem. See you later."


The next couple of days passed in pretty much the same way. Hugh would stay by Jenn's side day and night, leaving briefly to shower and change. Julia and Daniel flew back home on Saturday. They were starting to ween Jenn off the morphine so her nightmares were getting worse without the heavier sedation. Hugh of course did his best to fight the demon that invaded her dreams. If he could just find a way to get her to open up and talk about it! Maybe if she expressed her feelings and fears about it, she wouldn't have so many nightmares about it?! At least it didn't seem healthy to Hugh that she was keeping it all bottled up inside!

It was Sunday morning and Jenn was waking up feeling the warmth and protection of Hugh's arms around her. They had been sharing her hospital bed each night ever since her nightmares started. At first he would wait until she had one to crawl in with her. But soon he just said to hell with it and climbed in bed with her at bedtime knowing he'd end up there anyways.

"Good morning!" yawned Jenn.

Hugh stretched and yawned, "Good morning Sweetness."

He leaned over and gently kissed her on the lips. "How did you sleep? Other than your nightmares that is?"

"I have to admit, I slept better when they gave me morphine!"

"Well, hopefully they'll discharge you soon and we can get you back to my place for a little'll be feelin better and sleeping better before ya know it!"

Just as they were discussing it, the doctor walked into the room. "Good morning Miss Morrison, Mr. Laurie!"

"Morning Doc!" they both replied.

"How are you feeling this morning? Is the pain manageable since we took you off the morphine?" asked the doctor.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the difference between the morphine and the Percocets....but for the most part, I'm handling it. I try to lie perfectly still, otherwise my ribs absolutely kill me! But I know that is just going to take time to heal."

"Let's take a look," said the Doc, as he examined Jenn's ribs. "Unfortunately, like you said, it's going to take time. Your ribs are still very swollen and bruised around the fractures. It sometimes takes up to eight weeks for them to heal properly. And that is with no strenuous activity!"

Hugh perked up and looked at the doctor in what could only be described as a look of panic.

"When you say no strenuous activity for eight weeks, just what kind of activity, and just how strenuous are we talkin?

The Doctor laughed while Jenn blushed and hid her face behind her hand. The Doc assured Hugh, "Well Mr. Laurie, I believe the activity you are asking about should definitely be postponed for awhile. As for how long, I am quite sure that Miss Morrison's ribs will be the judge of that. Trust me, they will let you know!"

The Doc continued, "Now is there anything else?"

"Yes. When can I be discharged?" asked Jenn.

"You're off the morphine. You've been getting fluids for several days. You were even on a feeding tube at first to counteract the starvation. There is nothing more we can do for your ribs. Your concussions are gone. I'd like to keep you thru the night for observation, and then you can go home in the morning. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me," replied Jenn as she looked over toward Hugh and smiled at him.

"O.K. You need anything, let the nurse know. I'll be in to see you tomorrow morning. See you later."

"Bye Doc. Thanks"

As soon as the doctor left the room, Hugh turned to Jenn and said, "I'm in a living Hell!"

"What are you talking about?" asked Jenn.

"There is absolutely no way on God's green earth that Big Ben is going to able to stay away from you for eight weeks! He'll shrivel up and die!"

"BLASPHEMY!! Dear God man! Don't joke like that.....I'm very attached to him," cried Jenn.

Jenn cradled Hugh's cheek with the palm of her hand and said,"Don't worry baby, we'll find a way....if we have to strap me down so I don't move....we'll figure it out!"

The two lovers started laughing, which of course, caused shooting pains to flow thru Jenn!

"Ow ow ow!" Jenn yelled, grabbing her side.

Hugh lowered his head in defeat. "I'm sorry Sweetness. Looks like laughing is on the 'strenuous' list for right now too!"

To be continued.....

rpf, destiny's soul mate

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