Destiny's Soul Mate

Aug 17, 2020 19:17

Destiny's Soul Mate

Chapter 17
Koala Drama

Five minutes. Three hundred little seconds. That's how long it took before all Hell broke loose.
After leaving Hugh's trailer, the couple entered the reading room where all the cast gathered prior to shooting for the day. Everyone was there, including David and Katie. They were all sitting around the table preparing for the read-through and waiting on Hugh and Jenn. When the couple entered, Jesse stood up quickly, knocking his chair over, and yelled, "Where the Hell have you been? I've been looking all over for you!"

His action startled everyone, but especially Jenn, who immediately hid behind a protective Hugh.

Hugh looked Jesse in the eye and said, "I think you gave up the right to even ask that question, don't you?" Jesse got an evil look in his eye and walked around the table towards Jennifer. Hugh immediately shoved her even more so behind him in a protective stance.

Jesse laughed in his face and snarled, "Well isn't this just precious! We have a little fight and she runs off to her big British knight in shining armor! How pathetic!"

"Hold on! What the Hell is going on here? Would somebody explain?" asked David.

Hugh glanced at David and then back at Jesse and smirked, "go ahead Jesse,...Tell David. Tell him how you threatened Jennifer, cut up all her clothes with a knife, and then used her as a punching bag you cowardly son of a bitch!"

There were collective gasps throughout the room as everyone seemed to look at Jenn as if to verify it was true. That's when they noticed the faded bruising on her cheek. Omar muttered, "God damned pussy...I oughta kick his ass!"

Upon Hugh letting the cat out of the bag, Jesse looked at Jenn and threatened, "you'll pay for this. I warned you."

Hugh lost control. He grabbed a hold of Jesse's shirt and lifted him off the floor as he shouted, "listen to me, you psychotic pain in the ass little prick. You may think you're the Wonder from Down Under, but you're nothing but a cowardly piece of shit! If you so much as breathe the same air as Jennifer, I will crush you like a bug. You will never work in America again. Do you understand me, Kangaroo Boy?"

"Hugh! Put him down," ordered David. He then looked at Jesse and continued, "Until further notice, you are to stay away from Jennifer. We're obviously going to have to make some major rewrites. Cameron and Chase will no longer be in a relationship. And we may move back to Cameron starting up with House."

Katie and Lisa simultaneously cried out, "No!"

"ENOUGH! Everyone, just go home for the day. We'll see you back here tomorrow morning!" yelled David as he exited the room. As far as he was concerned, the meeting was over. Katie followed him so they could get started on the rewrites.

Jesse just stood there glaring at Jenn who was shaking and had tears in her eyes. When not only Hugh, but Robert and Omar started to approach him for round two, Jesse decided it was time to take off. He simply said, "I'll be seeing ya Jenn," as he walked past her and out the door.

Immediately, Hugh comforted Jenn by engulfing her within his arms. At the same time, everyone else approached with hugs and encouraging well wishes. She couldn't believe how supportive everyone was being. Omar, her brother from another mother, even offered to kick Jesse's ass for her {officially this time} All the cast members noticed how their leading man never took his arm from around Jenn, and how protective he was. But no one said a word. They knew that famous Hameron "eye sex" was just too damn hot to be all "acting". If life was starting to imitate art, then that was their business! Each one said their goodbyes along with their offer to help in anyway they could, then took their leave.

As soon as they had the room to themselves, Hugh turned Jenn into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. "We'll get through this, sweetheart. Don't worry," he promised.

Jenn looked up at him and requested, "Can we please just go home? I feel best when it's just you and me, and we shut the rest of the world out!"

Hugh felt a warm glow in his heart as soon as she referred to his condo as "home". It was funny but just after being together for several days, he too started thinking of the condo as the home they shared. Of course wherever Jenn would be, he would always consider that home.

Hugh leaned down and touched his lips to hers. It was meant to be a light kiss, but as usual it quickly progressed into something much more passionate! Jenn opened her lips to grant entrance to his tongue. As their tongues dueled and danced, they both groaned in satisfaction. Hands started roaming. Temperatures rose. And then Hugh came to his senses and stopped.

"Jenn! We have to stop! We can't do this here," Hugh sighed as he put her at arms length.

Jenn, still dazed with passion in her eyes, agreed, "you're right. I'm sorry."

Hugh chuckled, "don't ever apologize for kissing me, young lady! Come on,...let's go home."

***I know this was on the short side....but after not writing for over a decade, I'm just starting to stretch my writing muscles. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to write this first chapter! They'll get longer...don't worry! (And my smut muse is warming up

***I had a beta who has "edited" all but about 10 or so chapters. She had to quit due to family health reasons. If you are interested in filling this role...or can suggest someone else...please PM me. Thanks.

rpf, destiny's soul mate

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