Title: "i'm ready to begin, the waiting has to end"
Fandom: Storm Hawks
Theme/Prompt: 21. rise,
64damn_promptsCharacters/Pairings: Dark Ace/Aerrow
Rating: K
A/N: oh, Aerrow, you and your pesky hormones lol whoremoans.
prickly heat flooding his nerve endings )
SCORE. I really feel like I'm hitting some sort of stride now :D
I mean, he is fourteen. He's bound to have gone through this at some point - it's not like he's excluded from nature even though he gives off the impression that he's completely asexual.
He is so PURE and NOBLE and KIND, isn't he? I bet people around him feel horrible about themselves.
I bet no one ever really talks about anything sexual in front of him. He never really comments when Finn brings it up. MAYBE HE NEVER HAD 'THE TALK'. I mean, he was an orphan. Such a deprived child D:
I don't really think it's the case (I think he's just too mature to bother with telling Finn to shut up. Besides, it's Piper's territory :D), but that would be hilarious.
I forgot about Piper. Of course she would have been the one to give 'the talk'. Silly me. She probably got loads of books on it, and had diagrams and pictures while they all sat there awkwardly, wishing it was over. Specifically Radarr.
Radarr hid under Aerrow's bed and refused to come out for two days.
Piper should give Finn the talk, too. All his knowledge propably comes from lewd magazines.
Well. Obviously not a man, but I have no idea what that thing actually is.
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