Title: "gravity can't forget to pull me back to the ground again"
Fandom: Storm Hawks
Theme/Prompt: 58. enemy gate,
64damn_promptsCharacters/Pairings: Aerrow, Dark Ace
Rating: K
A/N: i have no idea where this came from. D:
He can feel the warm, clotting substance rolling down his jaw, the consequence of a gash to the head. Can feel each cut, bruise, and scar, the pain melding together into a low thrum throughout his exhausted body. The boy struggles to stand, but a kick to the face sends him sprawling back against the ground, crying out as he lands on a broken rib.
“Aerrow, this is your last chance. Join us.”
“Never. I’m worth more than that. This is worth everything I have. Protecting everything, keeping the peace, it’s all I want. All I have.”
His voice sounds faint, tired, like he hasn’t used it in a while. How long has he been here? The boy glances around, sees the burning, hears the shouts, feels the tremble of war in the ground. Another well aimed kick to his side and he’s coughing up blood.
“That's a lie, Aerrow. We both know that.”
He’s dragged up on his feet now, hands gripping his shoulders too tightly, agitating cuts and bruises.
“Without me, without this,” the man’s arm makes a wide sweeping arc, displaying the burning carnage of war and destruction “you are Nothing!”
He’s shoved to the ground again, eyes now set in a shocked and disbelieving stare, mouth open, but no words forming. The man is standing before him, mouth set in a grim line. He’s waiting. Waiting for something they both know has had a long time coming.
When the Dark Ace holds his hand out, Aerrow takes it without hesitation.