[fic] something about you (has got me)

Mar 22, 2010 23:34

something about you (has got me)
jake/logan ; percy jackson rpf ; 1.702 words ; nc-17
| "Jake, where did you get this book?" |

in which jake writes gay porn on the side,
logan sort of finds out about it,
and sex somehow ensues

When Jake finds Logan in his trailer holding a book Jake knows much too well, he comes to the conclusion that jumping off a bridge will probably be the cleanest way of killing himself.

Logan’s staring intently at the pages, eyes flicking back and forth over the printed words, with a mix of confusion and wonder on his face, which only increases the anxiety building in Jake.

“Uh, what are you doing with my book?” Jake ventures carefully.

Logan’s head snaps up in surprise. An amused grin breaks out over his lips, and Jake feels a soft tug in the bottom of his stomach at the sight. “Jake! It’s so crazy - this book has our names in! What are the chances?” Logan says innocently, but it fails to quell the burning fear in Jake.

Jake feigns surprise, replying, “Oh, wow, that’s so weird! Can you, uh, give me the book back now? Don’t read anymore. Just, you know. Hand it over.”

Logan looks momentarily disappointed and says, “What? Why? This is hilarious - let me read you a sente--”

“No!” Jake interrupts. He has the decency to look guilty before elaborating, “No, thanks. Um, I’m fine. Really.”

Logan stares at Jake in bewilderment, and Jake thinks that maybe if he can keep Logan confused long enough then he might have the chance of just brushing this all under the rug or something.

Logan’s eyes drift down to the bottom of the book’s cover and he says, “Weird. They only have the author’s initials: J.A.A.”

Logan looks up at Jake and blinks. There’s a tense moment of silence as Jake watches the pieces fit together in Logan’s mind, and Jake accepts that all hope is lost.

Logan eventually questions, “Jake, where did you get this book?”

“Uh,” says Jake.

Logan’s still staring at him, so Jake shrugs internally, figuring there’s no turning back now, “My publisher sent it to me. It’s just been printed.”

Logan’s voice is a pitch higher than normal when he says, “Your publisher?

Jake feels a sense of calm wash over him, because you know, fuck it, whatever. His life is over now anyway.

“Yeah. My publisher. I write gay erotic fiction on the side,” he slips his hands into his pockets before continuing, “it helped pay for my rent when acting wasn’t being my best friend money-wise. But then I just started to enjoy it, so I continued.”

Logan says calmly, “Oh. I see.”

Jake thinks this is going entirely too well so far. His suspicions are confirmed when Logan asks, “But why are you writing about us?”

Jake shrugs.

“I don’t know. Because I wanted to fuck you, and this was the easiest way without messing anything up? Just thought I’d . . . indulge myself.”

Logan flushes and looks shell-shocked. It’s really quite cute. Eventually Logan stumbles out, “Oh. Right. Okay. That’s . . . okay.”


Suddenly Jake’s across the room and pressed up against his side, heat seeping into Logan’s clothes.

“Yeah? That’s okay?” Jake says against his ear, gravely and low, and much, much too sexy. Jake slides his fingers beneath Logan’s shirt, and Logan can’t help but shiver at the touch.

Logan blurts, “I’m not . . . you know. I’m not. It’s just, I don’t know,” Jake smirks and Logan says, “God, Jake, you’re so frustrating,” and then he’s kissing him and Logan’s confused and turned on, but he feels so wanted and fuck.

Jake responds almost immediately, ripping Logan’s shirt off, and backing him against the kitchen counter. Logan yelps from the contact with the wood, but Jake muffles the sound by kissing him again, rushed and hard, licking into Logan’s mouth like he’s trying to take everything from him that he possibly can.

Jake somehow simultaneously undoes Logan’s fly and tugs his own shirt over his head, and Logan has to admit he’s a little impressed by the skill. Licking and biting at Logan’s neck, it’s as if Jake purposely leaves marks just about everywhere, like he’s trying to claim him. Logan whines softly from the thought, bucking his hips helplessly.

“Come on, Jake,” Logan murmurs breathlessly, but Jake pauses, leaning his forehead against Logan’s and looking at him intently.

For a moment, Logan thinks that a declaration of love might be coming and he freaks out a little, but then Jakes says bluntly, “We can’t do it here,” and he starts backing Logan up to the bed.

Jake dumps him unceremoniously on to the sheets and Logan feels a little affronted by the whole thing.

“Hey,” Logan says, a little petulantly he’ll admit, but whatever.

Jake says, “Oh shh,” and crawls over him, kissing away Logan’s murmurs of complaint between grappling around in the bedside drawer for some lube.

Jake pushes him down into the sheets, and tugs Logan’s jeans and boxers off, shoving them hastily off the edge of the bed.

“Don’t just shove them on the floor!” cries Logan, leaning over the edge and proceeding to fold each item of clothing carefully. When Logan pulls himself back up, Jake is staring at him like he can’t quite believe he’s real.

Jake says, “I haven’t the slightest idea why I’m attracted to you anymore.”

“Charming. Oh, please, Jake, take me now. I can’t deny you after such moving words.” Logan replies flatly.

Jake laughs, a little throatily, and says, “Don’t get snarky with me. I’m not the one completely naked, here.”

Logan huffs, and is about to reply, but then Jake’s slipping a slick finger inside and any response dies in his throat. Jake murmurs against his throat, “Not so talkative anymore are we?”

Logan wants to hit him, but then Jake’s adding another finger and all Logan can do is fist his hands in the soft sheets beneath him. Jake starts to gently thrust his fingers in and out, and when he grazes something extremely sensitive Logan moans quietly, back arching off the bed a little.

Jake stills his fingers and when Logan glances at him in annoyance, Jake uses his other hand to cup Logan’s face, whispering quietly, “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Logan, you have no idea.”

Logan feels like his stomach is doing somersaults, and he thinks that maybe this isn’t so much about sex anymore with the way that Jake’s looking at him.

Logan wraps his fingers around Jake’s arm and says quietly, “Jake, please,” and it’s like something snaps with Jake because he’s suddenly a blur of energy and motion, gently sliding his fingers out and positioning his now slick cock at Logan’s hole.

Jake leans over him, lips inches away from Logan’s when he whispers, “Are you sure?” and Logan realises that Jake would completely just stop, take this all back if Logan said the word. The notion makes Logan’s heart clench a little, and he leans up and kisses Jake as his answer.

Jake slides in painfully slow, and Logan has to bite his lip to stop himself from making unnecessary sounds. Jake licks at Logan’s lip and says, “Don’t. I want to hear you.”

Jake’s words make Logan flush, but when Jake slides in to the hilt, Logan turns his head to the side and moans embarrassingly loud.

Jake ducks his head, panting for a moment before saying, “Fuck, you’re tight.”

Logan laughs breathlessly, and replies, “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Jake’s responding laugh is a little strained, and Logan takes some pride in that fact.

Jake pulls out, again entirely too slow, but thrusts back in immediately, the sensation making Logan cry out. Jake leaves a smattering of kisses down Logan’s neck, shhing him quietly, whilst starting up an easy rhythm that leaves Logan much too free with his vocals.

Logan doesn’t smother the sounds falling from his lips, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him feel, because Jake seems to like it, growling against his ear and biting at the sensitive skin beneath it.

Jake’s hand fists around his cock and Logan whines pathetically in the back of his throat. Jake is fucking amazing with his hands, Logan finds, and Jake’s soon angling his hips perfectly, slamming into the sensitive spot over and over until Logan’s just a writhing mess.

Logan barely manages to whimper, “Oh, fuck, yes, please, Jake, please,” before Jake’s doing a final twist with his wrist and Logan’s coming over his stomach, some spilling onto the sheets.

Jake’s thrusts are the only thing keeping him grounded, and Logan makes a soft keening sound from the painfully pleasurable over-sensitivity.

Jake slams in a final time, all the way, moaning against Logan’s throat as he comes. They both spend a moment just panting and trying to find stability again, before Jake slides out gently. Logan gasps a little and flops down boneless on to the sheets.


Jake gathers Logan up in his arms, placing a kiss against the top of his head, and then gently threading his fingers through Logan’s hair in a soothing motion.

Logan murmurs something inaudible against Jake’s chest, and Jake asks, “What was that?”

Logan repeats, “I said I think we were hotter than your book.”

Jake chuckles and says, “Oh, shut up. How would you know? You haven’t even read it.”

“ ‘Course I have. You can’t just leave books like that lying around and expect me not to read them.” Logan murmurs sleepily, finishing with, “And it’s not like your ‘secret identity’ was that hard to figure out. It’s your initials. Who wouldn’t notice that?”

Jake is stunned into a short silence, finally asking, “Then what was even the point of our conversation before this, then?”

Logan shrugs half-heartedly, murmuring, “I don’t know. Kicks?” before curling into Jake’s side a little more. Jake nearly overlooks Logan’s response from how much he’s focusing on how adorable Logan’s being.

“Kicks? Your whole pretence was for kicks?” Jake says incredulously.

Logan bats him on the arm in warning, replying, “Jake, don’t you ever know when to shut up? God, writers.” Logan then proceeds to roll over and steal all of the covers for the rest of the night.

Jake is surprised to find that he really doesn’t mind.


fully and completely amanda’s fault. you little enabler, you ♥

fic, [movie] percy jackson, rpf, [pairing] jake/logan

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