Title: "they say perfection’s always right around the corner"
Fandom: Storm Hawks
Theme/Prompt 33. charm,
64damn_promptsCharacters/Pairings: barely-even-there Dark Ace/Aerrow
Rating: K
A/N: inspired by 'Age of Heroes'.
"This is the part where I claim victory,”
He has his sword at the boy’s throat, watches the jumbled cacophony of emotions flashing across his eyes - anger, humiliation, respect- as a trickle of blood tracks its way down the boy’s jaw line. Garnet hair is in disarray, falling wildly around a grimy face, flushed with exertion and shame. Splayed against the ground, uniform sporting various rips and tears, bruises and seeping cuts dimly visible. Youthful features pulled together into a disheartened scowl, until he whips away the sword, deactivating the crystal’s power. A smirk slides its way across the elder’s visage.
“But since you’re young, I’ll allow you a lifetime to savour your defeat.”
The Dark Ace is pretty certain he’s never been more attracted to someone in his entire life.