[fic] won't tell anybody (how you turn my world around)

Feb 16, 2010 01:18

won't tell anybody (how you turn my world around)
jake abel/percy jackson (established jake/logan, slight percy/luke) ; percy jackson rps/fiction ; 1.462 words ; nc-17
| jake stands, wipes a hand over his face, before sighing heavily. “how are you fucking real?” |

It takes the better part of an hour to figure out, filled with curses and mind-numbing confusion from both parties, that Percy Jackson has woken up on the floor of a trailer belonging to Jake Abel. Who, by the way, looks exactly like Luke, and that in itself is difficult for Percy to think about too much, so instead he flops back against the carpeted floor and groans.

“I bet one of the Gods did this. I mean, this is how they get their kicks, right? Putting me in the worst situations of my life, and then being all haha my bad.”

Luke-no, wait-Jake, and Gods, that’s going to take some getting used to, is silent where he’s seated against the wall, and when Percy glances at him he sees that Jake has an odd expression on his face that’s a combination of struggling not to laugh and ‘what the actual fuck’.

It doesn’t make Percy feel any better.

Jake stays silent and moves to get up, but his hip makes sharp contact with the dresser, sending a glass of water near the edge toppling over.

Before he even thinks about it, Percy’s flicking his hand and the water sloshes quietly back into the glass, and then Luke-Jake-is staring at him incredulously and oh.

Right. Mythological powers.

Jake stands, wipes a hand over his face, before sighing heavily.

“How are you fucking real?”

Percy feels some sympathy for Jake, considering he’s kind of been in this situation before, forced to believe myths and all that, but then Jake’s looking at him like-like Percy doesn’t even know, but his gaze feels hot, his skin starts to get all tingly, and he realises that his face must be completely flushed.

Jake drops down in front of him, crossing his legs loosely. He takes a deep breath while trying to look at anything but Percy, but eventually offers him a nervous grin.

“Percy,” he begins, then frowns and shakes his head like he can’t quite believe what he’s saying, “look, don’t take this the wrong way, but you look-you are-just like my boyfriend-‘

“Your boyfriend?” Percy interrupts, his voice sounding weak.

“Yeah,” Jake concedes, “so, anyway, I’m extremely attracted to you right now,” he pauses for a moment to readjust his pants with an uncomfortable expression and Percy thinks oh, um, what, before Jake continues, “and the adrenaline from this fucked up scenario isn’t really helping either.”

Percy’s tongue darts out to wet his dry lips, and he can see Jake’s eyes follow the movement, before they flick back to Percy’s. The heat Percy feels throughout his body increases ten-fold and he lets out a small gasp at the sensation.

“Uh, okay?” Percy ventures, until he realises that maybe that wasn’t the appropriate response considering Jake is looking at him now with a sharp grin that’s jarringly reminiscent of Luke.

Jake moves forward, and he’s suddenly right there, his hands slipping down to Percy’s waist, tugging him forward so he’s sprawled on Jake’s lap, and all Percy can think is LukeLukeJakeLukeLuke and then Jake kisses him softly just above his collarbone and Percy’s mind goes blank.

For a few moments they are still, and Percy can hear his heartbeat in his ears, soft and repetitive, reminding him of waves on the shore.

Jake suddenly laughs against the skin of his neck, the warm puff of air making Percy shiver, and Jake murmurs “I can’t tell if this is cheating or not,” while rubbing soft circles into the skin above Percy’s hip, which isn’t really helping the situation in Percy’s opinion.

Jake looks up at him with an unreadable expression that makes Percy squirm because it’s so much like Luke, and he still doesn’t understand how this isn’t Luke, and his pants are suddenly really tight, which what?

Percy jerks back suddenly, filled with suspicion, “Whoa, wait, I don’t even know you!”

Jake blinks at him, “I know you. Well, your character-er-personality, no, wait, life, I guess.”

An awkward silence settles between them.

“You do realise that you sound like a complete stalker, right?” Percy says flatly, frowning in distrust.

“You do realise that this entire situation makes absolutely no sense whatsoever? We might as well get something out of it,” responds Jake, smirk forming on his lips, long fingers slipping beneath Percy’s shirt with skill.

Percy shifts on Jake’s lap and bites his lip at the feel of Jake’s hands hot on his skin, “Um, al-all right then.”

Jake gives him a half-smile, which makes Percy’s heart jump into his throat. It’s like every single thing Jake does is a mirror image of Luke and his body aches for him all of a sudden.

“It’s just like you’re acting the part. Oh, I mean, he. It’s like he’s acting the part. Man, this is weird.” Jake rubs a hand over his eyes, before bringing it up to Percy’s face, skimming over his jaw line and thumbing at his lower lip.

Percy doesn’t even think before he’s opening his mouth and letting his tongue lick at Jake‘s thumb a little. When he looks up into Jake’s eyes they’re dark and blown, and Percy can’t stop the hot coil of desire that winds into him at the sight.

Percy feels a deep yearning for something he’s never had and before he even realises what’s happening Jake is kissing him, hard and rough, his tongue hot where it traces patterns against the roof of his mouth. Percy shivers and clutches at the sleeve of Jake’s shirt, the fabric soft under his fingers, and he lets out a broken moan when Jake tugs at his lower lip.

Jake breaks away from him murmuring, “You even respond the same,” before lowering his head and nipping at the soft skin of Percy’s neck, trailing kisses beneath his jaw and gently biting at his earlobe.

Percy doesn’t think he’s ever wanted something so much in his life, and the need to touch Jake is overwhelming, his hands continuously sliding over the smooth skin of his arms and inching his shirt up.

Jake eventually leans back, tugging his shirt over his head and chucking it in a random direction, before returning to kiss Percy until he’s breathless and whining softly into his mouth, hips rocking uncontrollably against Jake’s.

Jake almost rips Percy’s shirt in his haste to get it off, and Percy nearly finds it in himself to complain, but then Jake is slipping his warm, calloused hands down the back of Percy’s pants and squeezing. Percy can’t stop himself from jumping and letting out an embarrassingly high-pitched squeak.

Jake chuckles at that and Percy can’t deny that the sound turns him on more than anything, his voice all throaty and low, just like-just like Luke.

Percy grinds himself down again onto Jake at the thought, and he feels like the coil of heat inside him is suddenly stretched taut, his hips snapping up almost painfully and Percy hears himself whimper.

There’s a warm rush of air near his ear, Jake starting to whisper soft nothings, “Shh, sh, Percy, that’s it,” and he feels Jake’s hand unbuttoning his pants, sliding inside and oh, wow.

Percy’s never been this far with anyone before, and Jake works him confident and sure, each stroke mind-blowing and so, so good. As soon as Percy feels as if he’s been pushed to his highest, Jake flicks his wrist just so and Percy has to bite down onto Jake’s shoulder to smother the sounds falling endlessly from his throat as he comes.

In his haze, Percy distantly hears Jake quietly growl, “Fuck,” due to the bite on his shoulder, and Jake is soon following him. He tugs Percy’s head back up and kisses him, tongue licking at the corner of Percy’s mouth as he grinds his hips up almost violently, leaving Percy shivering and letting out soft little sounds as Jake comes.

Percy slumps forward onto Jake, feeling sweaty and sticky and not at all pleasant, with Jake gently threading his fingers into his hair. He feels a kiss pressed against his temple, and Percy shuts his eyes struggling not to make this into something it isn’t, with someone else, in some other place.

He still can’t help mouthing the name Luke against Jake’s skin.

He’s as limp as a rag doll when Jake manoeuvres them so they’re lying down, Percy’s head finding a place against Jake’s chest. As he drifts off to the steady thump-thump-thump of Jake’s heartbeat, Percy feels as if an ache in his chest has finally been numbed.


Percy wakes up to the waves sliding gently over his toes, memories from before drifting and disintegrating, with a warmth in his chest that stays long after he walks back to camp.

fic, [movie] percy jackson, [book] percy jackson, [pairing] jake abel/percy jackson, [pairing] luke/percy, [pairing] jake/logan

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